With Its Power To Plunge An Entire Country Into An ‘Information Black Hole,’ An ‘Internet Kill Switch’ Is A Tyrants Best Friend And A Canary In The Coal Mine Of A Nation’s Descent Into Tyranny


by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

– Rand Paul Recently Warned America Could Be Plunged Into Digital Darkness

Sometimes during conversations between people who still get their news via watching TV or the ‘approved topics‘ websites such as facebook ‘allow‘ to be discussed, and people who get their news online and from independent news websites, it feels like the people having the conversation are living in completely different universes or alternative realities, as topics such as the Maui Fires, all of the people who ‘Died Suddenly’ following getting ‘vaxxed‘ or the ‘rampant crime spree‘ carried out by the ‘biden crime family’ will receive wide eyed looks or blank stares and total silence from those who still believe the MSM.

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With such experiences proving the mainstream media is covering up massive global crimes and treason by our so-called ‘leaders’ since they’re not discussing the most important topics of the day, it also shows us once again why the internet is still a grave threat to the rule of the globalists, with anyone who reads stories about the globalists treason, and then bothers to spend a little bit of time to investigate things themselves, immediately agree with the reports published by the ‘independent media.

And with those reasons alone a good reason why Americans all across the country are now living in ‘alternative realities,’ one where people get the stories corrupt politicians don’t want people to know about and one full of propaganda and lies, a story recently came to our attention from the website ‘Not The Bee’ which helps explain how biden and the treasonous turncoats that inhabit much of the US govt could make many of their problems go away in one fell swoop, with Rand Paul recently warning of the Presidents ‘internet kill switch.’ From this story over at Wired Conservative which takes a look at this recent development.

As American citizens, it seems to be hardwired in us not to want the government to control us in pretty much any way. And that means things like an “internet kill switch” in the hands of the president is very scary. 

It’s also precisely why Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky is bringing attention to and opposing a 1930s law that does just that. 

Paul brought it all up during a recent interview with Dr. Scott Atlas on the latter’s podcast. (Which you can hear in the 1st video at the bottom of this ANP story!!)

He noted that, like most control-seeking laws, this one was put in place to be used in very rare and serious situations, you know, like in an emergency or national crisis. 

But as Paul points out, the COVID-19 pandemic proved just how easily most of those “emergency powers” could be abused. 

For example, a law from the 1930s gives the CDC “emergency powers” do “this and this for certain diseases, quarantine, and then it had a clause in there ‘and whatever else is necessary,’” Paul said. 

By now, most of those “emergency powers” are no longer in play. But the very idea that they could still be used is quite terrifying. 

And it’s even more terrifying that one of those emergency powers also supposedly gives the sitting US president the power to “shut down all communications and control all communications in the US.” This is according to the Communications Act’s Section 706.

As Paul says, it’s basically an “internet kill switch,” given how important the internet is to our daily lives. 

It’s also something he and others are working hard to either add some serious limits to or completely get rid of. 

“No president of either party should have this kind of power.” 

And in 2023 or 2024 or 2025 or at any point in the future, such a ‘kill switch‘ could easily be used to shut the whole thing down, despite the consequences since almost the entire ‘system‘ now runs off of it, to avoid ‘too many people‘ finding out about their crimes and treason through a story that somehow goes mega-viral through the internet on independent media that the mainstream media chooses not to cover; an ‘internet kill switch‘ could stop everything it its tracks.

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