Will Globalism Self-Destruct?


by Jeff Thomas, International Man:

When I first began warning of a coming worldwide socio-economic crisis decades ago, the notion seemed quite fanciful. Yes, there were problems – there always are – but there was little on the immediate horizon that suggested a global meltdown. It was, therefore, understandable that the idea might not have been afforded credibility.

Today, the opposite is true. Almost daily, we receive reminders of an impending collapse.

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We’re now seeing, on a daily basis, not just suggestions of an unravelling but dramatic events taking place almost too frequently for the average person to process.

Understandable, then, if people say to themselves, “It gets worse every day. We’re about to be gobbled up by the globalists. There’s no hope.”

There’s so much emphasis on the negatives that it’s difficult for anyone to recognize that a major pushback is now underway. It is true that the First World countries that make up the push for globalism are increasing their forcefulness almost daily. But for roughly eighteen months, a major pushback has been on the rise. Since the legacy media don’t comment on it, it’s less noticeable, but it’s growing fast.

The BRICS have taken on new members – members that, together, will soon eclipse the former hammerlock on energy supply held by the US. The petrodollar has lost its exclusivity and is on its way to becoming marginalised.

Trade is now growing between the BRICS and the majority of nations in the world.

Most African nations have signed agreements with the world’s most powerful military – Russia – for military security. Several African countries have recently given globalist countries the boot. The reaction? The globalists have exited quietly.

Since the end of World War II, the First World countries have been on the US gravy train, tagging onto its economic prosperity. But now that train is running out of fuel fast. It’s the most indebted country in history, and its creditors are not just refusing to accept more US debt but are dumping Treasuries back into the US. Further, the US is breaking the bank over an endless series of proxy wars, the latest costing billions.

In economic terms, the US has, like Wile E. Coyote, run off a cliff but hasn’t yet looked down to notice the fact.

But this is not a cartoon. It’s the real deal. The majority of countries in the world are moving decidedly away from the First World globalist countries and forging new alliances. These countries hold the majority of the world’s gold and represent the great majority of productivity for world goods.

They are the future.

But, even at this late date, isn’t it possible that the globalists might do an about-face and reverse the entire process, maintaining hegemony? And the Globalists still command considerable military control. Do they not have the force to tell the world that they’d better continue to do as they’re told, or else?

Well, yes, there’s a possibility that they might make such threats – and attempt to make good on them. They’re already suggesting as much with regard to Russia and China.

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