by Jim Quinn, The Burning Platform:

Hold tight
Wait ’til the party’s over
Hold tight
We’re in for nasty weather
There has got to be a way
Burning down the house

Talking Heads – Burning Down the House

If you haven’t noticed, we’re in for nasty weather. The swirling winds of a cloudy Fall day, as darkness descends upon the world, portends the coming vicious storms approaching our shores. Winter is coming. The gathering storm in the Middle East, with sides being chosen, alliances formed, enemies provoked, military’s mobilized, and the U.S. military industrial complex arming all sides, is just one of multiple potential inflection points poised to set the world ablaze if one of the psychopathic world leaders, installed to advance the globalist reset agenda, lights the fuse and ignites a global conflagration.


Once it ignites, no one knows how it will progress. This Israel – Hamas mini-eruption could easily lead to a Mount St. Helens level eruption at any moment. The posturing and threats by Israel, Hamas, Iran, Turkey, Syria, and other players in this global game of World War 3 chicken are growing more intense by the day. They are all consumed by hubris, overestimating their strength and understanding of the situation, while far underestimating the extreme risks and dire consequences of their actions.

Joe Biden (Getty/Bill Pugliano)

Should anyone be confident statesman like behavior or wisdom will emanate from a White House occupied by an empty dementia ridden vessel grifter with pedophile tendencies and his merry band of LGBTQ+++ fools, knaves and dimwits? Of course not. The crumbling debt sodden American Empire is being led by an outright moron and anyone expecting Biden to do anything other than make things worse, has probably been jabbed five times, has a BLM, Israel, and Ukraine flag in their Twitter profile, and still thinks Hunter Biden’s laptop is Russian disinformation.

The U.S. provoked Ukraine conflict has drained the coffers of the U.S. and EU of hundreds of billions, while depleting their precious armaments, just as WW3 launches. With the Middle East set to explode in a ball of fire, the world’s flow of precious oil, is in danger of being cutoff abruptly. Luckily, Dementia Joe depleted our Strategic Petroleum Reserve for election purposes, leaving us with 17 days worth of supply. Maybe Biden’s green energy windmill and solar farms will fill the gap when gasoline prices soar to $6.00 a gallon and 1970s like gas lines become common again.

Gasoline and diesel prices above $6 a gallon are displayed at a gas station in Millbrae, California.

Biden and his squad are burning down the house with the American people trapped inside and there are no firemen coming to save the day. His physical and mental weakness; corruption of heart, mind, and spirit; vitriolic hate for half the nation; blatant disregard for the Constitution and the rule of law; selection of weak minded diversity apparatchiks for key positions; and doing as instructed by his globalist handlers behind the curtain, have left our nation with no visible means of support. And we haven’t seen anything yet. If you think Biden has made a mess of our country thus far, wait until he provokes WW3 and Civil War 2.0 simultaneously.

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