Unlovely Man Makes Maxim 100 Hottest Women List


from Moonbattery:

Not even the most gullible can be gaslit into regarding men as attractive women. In their arrogance, social engineering information gatekeepers beclown themselves by trying anyway:

Danielle Laidley landed in Maxim Australia’s Hot 100 list this week, pulling in at number 92 for [his] contributions to [Australian Football League] and trans activism.

Whatever the mainstream honor is, you win by helping to shove moonbattery down people’s throats, not by actually deserving the honor.

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Maxim released its annual Hot 100 list for 2023 on Wednesday, showcasing the most successful and beautiful women in entertainment, sport and pop culture.

Despite the media’s obsequious misapplication of feminine pronouns, “Danielle” is fooling no one:

That is what the liberal media tells you to regard as a hot female. Why would you listen to anything else it tells you?

Laidley not only displaces real women; he also stalks them, evidently while dressed in women’s clothes. From 2020:

Dani Laidley, formerly known as Dean Laidley, pleaded guilty [to stalking] after making dozens of calls and text messages to [a] woman between April 25 and May 2, and watching and photographing her from outside her home. …

Laidley spent nine days in custody after [he] was arrested outside the woman’s home, and photographs of Laidley wearing a blonde wig and make-up while being interviewed at a police station were taken and published by some media outlets.

No doubt the moonbats at Maxim found the pictures quite fetching.

Laidley’s life was in turmoil at the time of the stalking, defence lawyer Rob Stary said, as [he] was “excessively using” the drug ice and in the process of gender transitioning. Laidley had previously been treated for mental health problems.

Like all people we are told to find appealing, Laidley is a victim:

The release of the photographs taken in the police station had caused Laidley and [his] adult son and two adult daughters “considerable distress”.

Now the media eggs him on as he poses in women’s clothes. His mental health problems conspicuously persist.

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