UN Demands Governments Roll Out Global ‘Digital ID’ to Comply with Agenda 2030


by Frank Bergman, SlayNews:

The United Nations (UN) is demanding that governments of sovereign nations around the world begin rolling out mandatory “digital IDs” for the public in order to comply with the unelected globalist organization’s “Agenda 2030.”

The UN Development Agency (UNDP) has published its governance framework for digital public infrastructure.

The organization expects all of its 190+ members, including the United States, to comply with the plan.

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In order to push its “digital ID” agenda onto governments, the UN body argues that aligning with the scheme is essential for fighting “climate change.”

The UNDP insists that mandating digital identification for the public is part of the Sustainable Development Goals and Agenda 2030.

In a post on its website last month, the UNDP that the digital ID framework is the UN’s responsive to “requests for institutional support.”

The group claims that forcing the public to require digital ID will make society more “inclusive” and allegedly ensure governments are protecting “human rights.”

The UN has made it clear that pushing the adoption of digital IDs is a key part of its globalist Agenda 2030.

“The importance of legal identity is an integral part of Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),” the UNDP website states.

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