Top network issues surreal memo: Don’t refer to Hamas as ‘terrorists’


from WND:

‘If true, this employee, must be fired’

A major broadcaster in North America is reportedly instructing its journalists not to refer to Hamas attackers as “terrorists.”

The media giant in question is the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, or CBC, which apparently issued an internal memo over the weekend in the wake of Hamas’ onslaught of killings and kidnappings in Israel, with more than 700 murdered and at least 2,300 wounded.


StopAntisemitism posted the internal email on X, stating:

“We have just obtained what appears to be a leaked email written by CBC (Canadian Broadcast Corp) employee George Achi instructing reporters to:

“1. not to mention Gaza has not been occupied since 2005
“2. not refer to Palestinian terrorists as terrorists

“If true, this employee, must be fired.”

The instruction was apparently issued by George Achi, director of journalistic standards at CBC News in Toronto, who apparently indicated:

“Do not refer to militants, soldiers, or anyone else as ‘terrorists.’ The notion of terrorism remains heavily politicized and is part of the story.”

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