The Insane Campaign Against Fresh Non-GMO Food And Meat At A Time When Americans Can Barely Afford To Eat Due To ‘Bidenflation’, Is Yet Another Way To Kill Or Control Americans


by Susan Duclos, All News Pipeline:

It was bad enough to see the push for people to eat bugs, and even more disturbing to learn that bugs, among other disgusting things are allowed into the foods we eat now, by the FDA, listed as allowable “defects.”

Now though, in the midst of extremely high prices for foods, and for almost everything else, a company which began in 2022, is turning industrial waste into meat alternatives.

Think about sawdust. 

Eating it is probably the last thing that comes into your mind, but that may be about to change thanks to one Estonian start-up. 

ÄIO, set up in 2022, has created a way of producing fats and oils from industrial waste. 


The kicker is the part of the article linked above, which states “The rosey red oil produced by ÄIO’s innovative process is ideal for making alternatives to meat, which often need a splash of colour to attract consumers away from their animal-based rivals. ”

Doesn’t that sound delicious? Sawdust oil anyone? Or sawdust meat alternatives? Anyone???? Hellooooooooooooo???

Guess not. Okay, moving along.

A bit of good news from Italy. They plan to ban lab-grown meat. Better yet, they are going to ban synthetic foods as well, according to Gateway Pundit.

 But it is not only lab-grown meat that they are looking to ban, but also all synthetic foods. Synthetic foods are products that aren’t produced in the soil or natural meat obtained from animals. Rather, they are produced artificially in a laboratory.

”Protecting health”

The bill was introduced already on the 28th of March, with the Minister of Agriculture Francesco Lollobrigida saying that is is ”the first measure of this nature at an international level aimed at protecting health, our production, our environment and a way of life”.

Waiting for America to show the same common sense is like waiting for world peace…..not happening any time soon.  Heck, we can’t even get peace within our own country.

The war on food, including cattle ranchers and produce farmers, continues, and we need to be prepared for a time when lab grown meats take up most of the grocery store meat sections and consumers rush scoop up all the real meat, and more and more produce becomes genetically modified.

At this point, we cannot have enough survival meats in our pantries.

With inflation for food still rising for certain categories, on top of the rise from the same months last year, and on top of the rise from the year before, we are averaging a 19% to 20% rise in costs from 2021.

We’ll discuss more about what Bidenflation is doing to Americans, below.

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