The Four Most Pro-Nazi Post-WW-II Countries


by Alex Christoforou, The Duran:

On September 24th, I headlined “Canada’s Parliament Gives Standing Ovation to 98-Year-Old Nazi SS Ukrainian”, which was about a widely reported event that had occurred two days earlier, but this event was actually part of a joint operation, in which the U.S. Government had taken over Ukraine’s government in February 2014, and the Governments of Canada, U.S., and UK, have used it since then in order to defeat Russia, much like the prior global-hegemonic hyper-imperialist, Adolf Hitler, also had aspired to do (in his massive “Operation Barbarossa,” which killed 26.6 million in the Soviet Union). This U.S.-UK-Canadian-Ukrainian joint operation had started back in 1945, and was building upon a thriving nazi political movement in Ukraine, which had started much earlier in the Twentieth Century.


First, here, however: What is “nazism”? It can and does exist in many countries — not ONLY in Germany. And, today (and since 1945), it thrives especially in U.S., UK, Canada, and Ukraine. And here is how and why it does:

During WW II, Germany’s Nazi Party, like the Stepan Bandera political movement in western Ukraine (centered around Lviv), the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN), fought to win national independence by exterminating its nation’s minorities, and was intensely against “miscegenation” or mixed-‘race’ marriages. The ideology was the same — racist fascism — and therefore only the nationality distinguishes one racist-fascist ideology from another. This ideology is commonly referred to as “nazism.” It is the exterminationist variant of the ideology known as “fascism.”

The original fascism was in Italy and was practiced by Mussolini’s Fascist (capitalizing the initial letter) Party, but its (not specific as to nation) ideology, of extremist capitalism (or, as Mussolini sometimes also called it, “corporationism”), is (without the initial capital-letter) fascism, the ideology, instead of its embodiment in Italy’s Fascist Party, as being capital-F Fascism.

The Allies — the Soviet Union, U.S., and UK — defeated the fascist powers in WW II (Hitler’s Germany, Mussolini’s Italy, and Hirohito’s Japan), and therefore fascism (and ESPECIALLY racist fascism or nazism) became PR (propaganda) poison after the Allies’ victory. Consequently, the ideology became renamed, such as, in Ukraine, the Social Nationalist Party of Ukraine was advised by the CIA to change its name to the “Freedom” (or “Svoboda”) Party, and that Ukrainian Party did so, in order to help the U.S. Government to defeat and ultimately replace Russia’s Government. This is how they helped to do that:

Here is a video showing how the U.S. Government, under President Barack Obama, took control of Ukraine in February 2014 and used Ukrainian nazis in order to carry out his coup there. Those nazis were followers of Bandera.

Bandera’s movement, the OUN, was protected by the U.S. Government starting on 25 July 1945, when U.S. President Harry S. Truman decided, on this date, that (in accord with the advice he was receiving from both his personal hero Dwight Eisenhower and Winston Churchill) either the Soviet Union would take control over the entire world, or else the U.S. Government would; and, so, he created the CIA, and the ‘Defense’ Department, in 1947, specifically in order for the U.S. ultimately to conquer the world; and the Soviet Union was his first ultimate target to conquer (by breaking the U.S.S.R. up and then isolating Russia, which commenced in 1991).

The U.S. Government worked on this creation of an all-encompassing global empire in conjunction with, and being largely guided by, the largest existing empire at that time, which was the English empire, which, at the end of WW II, was led by Winston Churchill, who had been a friend, student, and follower, of Cecil Rhodes, who had died in 1902 and bequeathed his wealth, as the founder of the DeBeers global diamond monopoly (also with gold mines), to the Rhodes Trust, which was to carry out his plan, which had been initiated by Rhodes in 1877, to create a secret organization, which would achieve and sustain “the ultimate recovery of the United States of America as an integral part of the British Empire.” He (Churchill) dubbed this “the Special Relationship” between the two countries — this being, in Rhodes’s mind (and Churchill’s), a universal empire. And now it became Truman’s, as well.

Rhodes (and Churchill, and Truman) accepted and practiced racism, but it naturally had different targets than did Hitler’s or Bandera’s.

Rhodes’s view was for a universal empire controlled by Britain’s aristocracy and its allies or “colonies,” which came to include, in intelligence (CIA, MI6, etc.) “The Five Eyes” of UK, U.S., Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. Each of their spying and coup services is formally prohibited from spying against its own nation’s ‘citizens’ (subjects) but farms that spying out to the others to do and then to report back on the results, so that everyone is subject to their joint control. Here, concerning the nazisms of UK, U.S., Ukraine, and Canada, is an example of how they worked together, as reported by Roger Jordan at libya360, under the headline “How Canada Emerged as a Haven for Nazi War Criminals”:

The scale of the influx of Nazi collaborators only became public knowledge in the 1980s. A comprehensive study carried out by Alti Rodal on behalf of the federal government-appointed Deschênes Commission of Inquiry on War Criminals in Canada uncovered records proving that US intelligence agents in Europe had funneled Nazi collaborators from Eastern Europe through the Canadian immigration system using false papers. Rodal revealed that large numbers of identically typed applications were received by Canada’s immigration department from one address in West Germany. On closer inspection, this address turned out to be a US military base. …

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