Straight White Males Need Not Apply in British Columbia


by Milt Harris, PJ Media:

I guess white privilege isn’t what it used to be. It’s been replaced by open and blatant discrimination. In fact, if you own a small to medium-sized construction company in British Columbia, you can not only discriminate but you also get paid to do it.

The British Columbia Construction Association (BCCA) announced last week that there is still $4 million available for bonuses to companies that apply for its Apprenticeship Services project. This is an initiative that’s funded by the Canadian government under the Canadian Apprenticeship Strategy. The idea is to bring more apprentices into the thirty-nine Red Seal Trades. In Canada, a tradesperson who passes the Red Seal exam receives an endorsement. The Red Seal is proof that a tradesperson has met the national standard in their trade.


To incentivize this, a company that hires a first-year apprentice for one of these trades will receive a $5,000 bonus per employee. However, if the company hires someone who identifies as LGBTQ, female, disabled, or a person of color, the bonus increases to $10,000.

The BCCA’s excuse for this is that the extra incentive is meant to boost people who are “part of an equity deserving group, as part of an effort to redress underrepresentation in the trade.”

Someone needs to explain to me how suddenly these people are “an equity deserving group.” Does the BCCA expect us to believe that companies in British Columbia weren’t hiring the best and most deserving people before this? This is strictly politically motivated.

Companies are already forced to comply with Diversity, Equity, and inclusion (DEI) practices in order to maintain their Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) scores. These scores can affect loan approvals and tax incentives even more than profitability.

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