Some Embalmers Say White, Fibrous Clots Showing Up; Others Say It’s a Conspiracy Theory


from The Epoch Times:

Some embalmers around the world say they’re observing previously unseen clots in bodies, and others are denouncing that as “nonsense.”

Embalming a body involves replacing the blood with chemical solutions to preserve it and slow decomposition.

Some embalmers say that starting in 2021, they suddenly began seeing an “anomaly” during that process—a phenomenon of long, rubbery, white masses inside the blood vessels.

Others say they have seen nothing new.


The Epoch Times contacted embalmers and funeral directors from around the world to understand the disparity.

An Oklahoma mortician responded, saying, “Yes, the embalmers at this funeral location have all encountered this phenomenon, each multiple times during embalming in the last two years.” A funeral director in Pennsylvania told The Epoch Times: “We’ve seen this stuff—absolutely. We’ve seen it enough to discuss it within the company.”

The mortician said his company thought the white, fibrous clots were just an anomaly.

“What do I attribute it to? I don’t know. I’ve never seen anything like it previously,” he said.

“As far as numbers, it’s hard to say. When we first started noticing it in 2021, it was like, ‘Oh, wow, I wonder if their cholesterol was off the charts.’

On the other hand, many of the respondents to The Epoch Times’ survey said that not only had they not seen the fibrous masses in the bodies they embalmed, but they considered the reports from other embalmers and funeral directors to be “nonsense.”


An embalmer wears personal protective equipment while preparing a deceased person in Shipley, England, on May 21, 2020. (Christopher Furlong/Getty Images)

“It’s all nonsense, COVID vaccine conspiracy-theory [expletive],” a Canadian embalmer told The Epoch Times in an email. “We embalm over 400 bodies yearly and have never seen [this].”

Several respondents from Canada, Australia, and the UK said they haven’t seen any of the white, fibrous clots, with one calling it “ridiculous claptrap.”

However, responses from 11 embalmers in the United States, Canada, and New Zealand tell a similar story of white fibrin masses clogging the circulatory systems of the newly deceased since 2021.

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