Solar researcher warns of solar activity decrease, imminent MINI ICE AGE and GLOBAL FAMINE by 2030


by Belle Carter, Natural News:

A Ukrainian solar researcher with a solid academic background has been warning about a dangerous phenomenon that could lead to dramatic climate and weather changes as well as global cooling for years now. Her studies have become controversial over the years because she blames climate changes on the sun’s activity and not anything carbon dioxide-related.


In a 2019 interview with the award-winning Canadian journalist Stuart McNish on his program “Conversations That Matter,” Valentina Zharkova, who authored world-leading research as well as numerous groundbreaking publications, explained that they have been observing signs that since 2015, solar activity has been decreasing in a manner only seen during the Grand Solar Minimum, which last occurred during the Maunder Minimum, also known as the “prolonged sunspot minimum,” 400 years ago.

She cited National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and other research organizations have noted this trend in various ways but hid the information from the public. According to her, the significantly reduced solar activity will inevitably lead to dramatic climate and weather changes such as a massive global cooling that could be likened to a mini ice age.

“Between cycle 25 and 11 years of cycle 26 [the least active cycle], and between cycle 26 and 27, will be the coldest period on Earth, and we will feel it through a lack of vegetation,” the researcher and lecturer with a doctorate in astrophysics said. This means that starting after the active period during the ‘Solar Cycle 25,’ from the second half of this decade until the early 2050s, Earth will experience exceptional cold, extreme weather, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions. Zharkova pointed to 2030 as the year when it will seriously begin, warning that the 2030s will be so cold that it will result in a severe food shortage.


Back in 1998, the climate expert published her discovery that solar flares were triggered by solar quakes after extensive research. Solar flares are intense localized eruptions of electromagnetic radiation in the sun’s atmosphere. She has also published over 200 articles, including three articles in Nature-affiliated journals. It was one of these articles that predicted the modern Grand Solar Minimum, which she believes will affect the Earth between 2020 and 2053.

Zharkova used a mathematical program to get her findings which has produced 97 percent accuracy over the last 30 years in mapping the movement of sunspots. Sunspots are cooler regions of the sun’s surface that move around periodically and appear darker when photographed. We say cooler, but really these sunspots still maintain incredible temperatures of around 4,200 degrees Celsius.

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