Senator Johnson: ‘Globalists’ Are Using Covid & Climate ‘Fear’ to ‘Control Our Lives’


by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

Republican Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) has dropped the hammer on “globalists” trying to “control our lives” by creating a “state of fear” over Covid and the so-called “climate crisis.”

Johnson blasted the globalist agenda during a recent interview on Fox News.

The senator began by slamming the Democrats for creating division in America while “strengthening China.”

He also warned that Democrat President Joe Biden doesn’t want to contain the Chinese Communist Party.


Sen. Johnson continued by raising the alarm over the global climate agenda.

“This whole climate change agenda is driven toward control over our lives,” Johnson warned.

“Climate change alarmism, our miserably failed response to the pandemic…” he continued.

“These are all designed to create a state of fear so that the globalists can control our lives.

“We have to say stop,” Johnson declared.

Johnson has long been warning the public and his fellow Republicans about the green agenda.

The agenda is being pushed by unelected bureaucrats and corporate elites such as the World Economic Forum (WEF), The United Nations, and the World Health Organization (WHO).

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