Price Controls Have Begun, Food Rationing Is Next In Line As America Is An Out Of Control Train Barreling Towards An Economic Collapse With No Brakes As Govt Prepares To Take Total Control


by Susan Duclos, All News Pipeline:

In March of 2022, Brandon Smith, a writer from Alt-Market, made a bold prediction after seeing what was happening with gas prices, food prices and inflation. He spoke about the “inevitability of government rationing after price controls,”

The stagflation threat worries me more than any other for a number of reasons, and it’s not just because of the potential for extreme poverty. As we all know, the strategy of “order out of chaos” is about creating enough desperation within a target population that the people are willing to give up their freedoms in exchange for a semblance of safety and normalcy. But what specific controls would the establishment seek out?


Stagflation has the ability to trigger much higher prices in necessities, while it simultaneously drags GDP down along with wages, jobs, manufacturing, etc. There is also the very real threat of government price controls, which would suffocate production and reduce the supply of goods even further. We are not quite to this point yet, but the danger is approaching fast.

It was incredibly eerie reading that this week, when we are seeing news of price and food controls, present day.

Price controls in Canada have been ordered by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who claims “Large grocery chains are making record profits. Those profits should not be made on the backs of people who are struggling to feed their families.”

He is demanding price controls on food from the top five Canadian grocers, inevitability of government rationing after price controls,”


The stagflation threat worries me more than any other for a number of reasons, and it’s not just because of the potential for extreme poverty. As we all know, the strategy of “order out of chaos” is about creating enough desperation within a target population that the people are willing to give up their freedoms in exchange for a semblance of safety and normalcy. But what specific controls would the establishment seek out?

Stagflation has the ability to trigger much higher prices in necessities, while it simultaneously drags GDP down along with wages, jobs, manufacturing, etc. There is also the very real threat of government price controls, which would suffocate production and reduce the supply of goods even further. We are not quite to this point yet, but the danger is approaching fast.

It was incredibly eerie reading that this week, when we are seeing news of price and food controls, present day.

Price controls in Canada have been ordered by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who claims “Large grocery chains are making record profits. Those profits should not be made on the backs of people who are struggling to feed their families.”

He is demanding price controls on food from the top five Canadian grocers, threatening government interference should they not come up with an adequate plan themselves. Adequate meaning government approved.

First and foremost, food inflation which is up 20% since 2021 here in America, and is also up in Canada, are not caused by the grocery stores and large chains, they are just being used as a scapegoat to direct the anger of the populace.

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