Naked Selfie of Joe Biden’s Younger Brother Frank Biden in 2018 Wearing Only Cap and Glasses Surfaces on Gay Porn Website: “They Must Have Hacked my Phone”


by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

A naked selfie of Frank Biden five years ago was discovered on a gay porn website called, the platform where the photo was found, is a dating website catering to the gay community. The site is characterized by its array of selfies featuring naked men. The privacy policy of the website indicates that it is owned by, a gay porn blog.

The photo was uploaded in 2018 when Frank was 64 years old.


The photo was exposed by Marco Polo, a nonprofit organization that has been probing into the Biden family for years, scrutinizing them for political transgressions and crimes.

“The brother of the US president, [Frank Biden], shown below, is such an illustrious & talented businessman that Costa Rica & other sovereign nations seek this guy’s counsel & insights. He’s almost as revered as his nephew (Hunter Biden), whose pre-veneers grill is featured in the photo,” Marco Polo wrote on X.

Upon being confronted by Daily Mail, Frank Biden who is now 69, admitted to being the individual in the photo. However, he denied any active involvement in uploading the image.

Contending his innocence, he speculated that his phone’s security had been breached, indicating that the photograph could have been hacked and posted without his consent.

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