McCarthy Out, Putin Warns, CV19 Vax Keeps Killing


by Greg Hunter, USA Watchdog:

In a stunning vote, Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy was voted out of office.  Matt Gaetz and 10 other House Republicans sent him packing when Gaetz forced a vote.  McCarthy agreed on not funding Ukraine war spending but cut a side deal to do it anyway.  That, along with other things, got some Republican House members so mad they simply voted McCarthy out in a vote that surprised almost everyone including the Deep State.  Now, Representative Jim Jordan looks like the leading candidate for Speaker, especially after Trump endorsed him for the job.  Trump was considered as a Speaker candidate, but Trump is running for President and has too many other witch hunt court cases on his plate to do the job.


Vladimir Putin is out with new warnings about the possibility of nuclear war with weapons so advanced there is “no chance of survival.”  Putin is also on record this week as saying the war in Ukraine is the fault of NATO and the West.  Putin said, “We did not start the war in Ukraine . . . we are trying to finish it.”  Is Russia going to try to give a final knockout blow to Zelinsky and the depleted Ukraine war machine?

Every week more people are documented to have “died suddenly” with “no cause of death listed.”  Of course, it’s the effects of the CV19 bioweapon vax.  This week, we highlight a 17-year old high school student that died at her homecoming festivities.  It was yet another murder from Big Pharma.  Now, the Biden Administration is saying they did not force anyone to get vaxed.  It this a signal that they know what is coming with nearly 700 million CV19 injections in the U.S. alone?  There is no stopping what is happening.

There is much more in the 55-minute newscast.

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