from State Of The Nation:

SOTN Editor’s Note: While the vast majority of terrorist attacks in and around the Zionist State of Israel are perpetrated by the MOSSAD-CIA-MI6 terror group, there are instances when the highly oppressed and abused Palestinians lash out in extreme desperation.  However, the recent Hamas ‘surprise attacks’ were obviously carried out under the direction the IDF and Israeli intelligence services.

The following article breaks down the stealthy Israeli MO from the very inception of the apartheid state of Israel. The Modern State of Israel has always been a rogue nation deliberately established to sow seeds of chaos, confusion and conflict throughout the entire Middle East; and this latest false flag terror operation against both Israelis and Palestinians proves that. Nevertheless, this nationwide international crime syndicate that masquerades as a democratic nation, and which is the global headquarters for organ trafficking, drug trafficking, human trafficking, arms trafficking and nuclear weapon trafficking, has just outed itself as never before. In view of the ongoing massacre of Palestinians and Gaza land grab, the cat has been let out of the bag forever.

Zionist Deception And A Geopolitical Powderkeg In Gaza

Submitted by Patrick J. McShay

“I want to tell you something very clear: Don’t worry about American pressure on Israel. We the Jewish people control America, and the Americans know it.”

— Ariel Sharon, Former Israeli Prime Minister (October 3, 2001- Just 22 days after 9/11)

“Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the World –  Only to serve the people of Israel.”

— Chief Israeli Rabbi Ovadia Yosef

“Israel is acting like a gangster who has been humiliated and is going to take vengeance and slaughter as many people as they can”

— Miko Peled, Israeli Author of “The General’s Son”

It’s too soon to tell exactly what happened at the Gaza border but I feel certain that what we’re being fed by the media is nonsense. This was no doubt a long-planned event by the Israelis. We’ve been hearing nonstop for days about the number of dead, and the atrocities including 40 babies who were beheaded, getting us prepared for the massacre to follow. It really sounds like they want the American audience, brainwashed since birth, to support Israel, to get behind their planned ground war and slaughter that is poised to start in the next few days as they already have 300,000 troops amassed at the border. It sounds like Israel not only knew about the attack ahead of time but they likely were involved. This may shock the naive and ignorant Fox News watcher who believes this Israeli propaganda.

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