Laundering with Immunity: The Control Framework Part 3 – World Economic Forum Protected


by Corey Lynn, Corey’s Digs:

The World Economic Forum (WEF) is protected by immunities and privileges in Geneva, Switzerland where secrecy clings to the hallways of its headquarters overlooking Lake Geneva in Cologny. Though WEF has offices in New York and San Francisco, it does not have immunities in the U.S. under the International Organizations Immunities Act, nor does it appear to have immunities in its offices located in Beijing, Tokyo, or Mumbai. According to their agreement with the Swiss government, it would seem that their archives are inviolable, affording them the ability to plan and organize the movement of funds throughout their network without transparency, among other privileges noted below.


This is very important to draw attention to, as it was not previously covered in part 1 of Laundering with Immunity: The Control Framework,’ which included 76 international organizations, along with the Bank for International Settlements and its 63 Central Banks, plus GAVI and CERN. The 76 international organizations in part 1 consist of the immunities and privileges given by the U.S., though a good majority of those organizations receive immunities and privileges from numerous countries, and of course the UN is locked in through their treaties with 193 member states. It is critical that people search for the international organizations who hold immunities and privileges in their countries, because this will create an expansive map of the control system that dates back to 1945.

In short, the WEF was founded in 1971 by Klaus Schwab to build an empire of wealthy men who wanted to one day control the world. Most famously known for “The Great Reset” agenda, the WEF operates as a meeting space to strategize agendas, implement initiatives and negotiations, oversee budgets and allocations, groom younger generations, and influence governments. There is much to be said on their nefarious dealings, many of which have been covered in numerous reports on Corey’s Digs, but this report is to show the protections they have and the agreements that have been signed.

The immunities and privileges were signed into law on January 23, 2015. The Swiss Government’s announcement reads as such:

On 23 January 2015, a meeting took place between the head of the FDFA, Didier Burkhalter, and the executive chairman of the WEF, Klaus Schwab, on the margins of the annual meeting of the WEF in Davos at which an agreement was signed confirming the status of the WEF in Switzerland in compliance with the Host State Act of 22 June 2007 (HSA, SR 192.12).

At its meeting on 17 December 2014, the Federal Council recognised the WEF as an “other international body” as defined in the Host State Act and approved the agreement, the purpose of which is to confirm the status of foundation that the World Economic Forum enjoys in Switzerland. This status is based on the WEF’s important role for Switzerland, and provides for closer cooperation between the Swiss Confederation and the WEF in its field of activity. The substance of the agreement corresponds to agreements that the Federal Council has already concluded with other organisations of this kind and provides, for example, for facilities in the recruitment of personnel.

“Through this recognition, Switzerland has shown not only its full support for the World Economic Forum’s mission, but also its commitment to further enhance the role of Switzerland, and in particular Geneva, as a centre for international cooperation,” said Schwab in a WEF press release.

Switzerland’s Host State Act

The Host State Act is very similar to the U.S. International Organizations Immunities Act and grants immunities and privileges to the organization. The Act was approved on June 22, 2007 and went into force on January 1, 2008. Details on the Host Act can be reviewed here. The full PDF list of organizations who have agreements with Switzerland are linked at the bottom of the Host Act page, and have been uploaded here onto Corey’s Digs site. This is the most current list, dated October 16, 2023 on the bottom of their web page. Note that GAVI, the Global Fund, CERN, the UN and its many arms, and several other organizations that are also on this list, were previously covered in part one of this report due to their immunities in the U.S. and numerous other countries.

Immunities and Privileges Include:

a. inviolability of the person, premises, property, archives, documents, correspondence and diplomatic bag;
b. immunity from legal proceedings and the enforcement of judgments;
c. exemption from direct taxes;
d. exemption from indirect taxes;
e. exemption from customs duties and other import taxes;
f. freedom to acquire, receive, hold, transfer and convert funds, currencies, cash and other movable property;
g. freedom of communication, movement and travel;
h. exemption from the Swiss social security system;
i. exemption from Swiss entry and residence requirements;
j. exemption from all personal services, from all public service and from all military duties or obligations of any kind

A more detailed breakdown can be found here.

The World Economic Forum’s agreement dated January 23, 2015 can be reviewed here.

It states that “the mission of the World Economic Forum is to integrate leaders from business, government, academia and society at large into a community working for improvement in the state of the world.”

The agreement, translated into English, would appear to have the same immunities and privileges as documented above, but worded slightly different in some cases. For example, “guaranteed independence and freedom of action” would imply they are immune from legal proceedings and enforcement of judgements as indicated in the standard immunities and privilegs afforded to international organizations under the Host State Act.

Immunities and Privileges afforded to the WEF in their agreement:

1) guaranteed independence and freedom of action

2) absolute freedom of assembly, including freedom of discussion, decision and publican on Swiss territory

3) exempt from direct federal tax

4) pension fund is exempt from direct federal, cantonal and municipal taxes, including on inheritance and donations

5) can receive, hold, convert and transfer all funds of any kind, all currencies, all cash, gold and other transferable securities, and dispose of them freely both within Switzerland and in its relations with the stranger

6) exempt from the admission conditions for foreigners set by the Federal Law on Foreigners

7) the World Economic Forum and the Swiss authorities will cooperate at all times with a view to facilitating the proper administration of justice, ensuring compliance with police regulations and preventing any abuse of the exemptions and facilities provided for in this Agreement

8) the World Economic Forum may, if necessary, call upon the assistance of Swiss diplomatic and consular representations abroad

The agreement may be terminated by either party with six months of written notice.

The agreement mentions “on Swiss territory,” which raises the question as to whether or not documentation moving to and from its Geneva headquarters from other office locations, fall under these immunities or if all “secretive” discussions and documents are handled at the Geneva location.

The Host State Act agreement also states that there will be a separate agreement between the WEF and FDFA to strengthen the cooperation with the Confederation.

On January 21, 2020, Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum signed an agreement with the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA), extending cooperation to integrate the WEF into “International Geneva” and utilize them as a more strategic platform. This agreement is valid for four years and may be revised, extended, or terminated.

The Cliff Notes:

• To serve as a platform for scientific diplomacy and Switzerland’s interest in collaborating with international organizations in Geneva and elsewhere in the world

• Collaboration on Sustainable Development Goals

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