Israel vs Hamas: A Manufactured War To Cover Corruption


by Lew Rockwell, Lew Rockwell:

In 1898, Palestine was part of The Ottoman Empire. Rothschild wanted an Israel. The UK conquered Palestine and ripped it from the Ottoman Empire. The UK gave the state to Rothschild around 1908 in order to encourage Israeli settlements and remove the land from the Palestinians.

In 1941 Japan attacked Pearl Harbor.   Rockefeller had sanctioned Japan’s oil because he wanted a monopoly.   Pushed too far, provoked economically, Japan attacked.   The Cabal ordered the atomic bomb to wipe them off this earth…


In 2001, the Pentagon and US government were buried in unaccounted monies to the tune of $3 Trillion.   The books were rigged and the legal evidence  supporting this were in the Twin Towers.   Never to be seen or heard about again.

In 2011, the US mechanism went after Gaddafi.   He was making Libya a prosperous country and the Cabal wanted Libya to be suppressed. Gaddafi refused and his was brutally assassinated.  Libya was then pushed into third world status economically and buried from recovery..

In 2014 the US mechanism went after Assad if he didn’t comply with the demands that his oil thru US proxies.   He refused.   The Cabal destroyed Syria.

According to the Treasury Department, the Assets of the Federal Government as of September 2022 total $4.962 trillion on Liabilities of $39.022 Trillion for a NET Deficit of outstanding debt totaling $34.061 Trillion.   Imagine using this balance sheet to ask for a Loan?

Despite the Ukraine War – inventories on the Federal Balance Sheet held for sale actually increased from 2021 by $7 billion. Student Loans Receivable account for 25% of the entire stated Federal Assets that Biden is writing off. Buildings account for 50% of the value placed on Furniture & Fixtures which they declare to be worth $1.442 Trillion.   Furniture & Fixtures!   Giving rise to nearly an additional quarter of the value of ALL Assets. The infamous “Other” which accounts for an additional quarter of assets – is NOT delineated at all.

This is the NonOpen Transparency the US government advocates for everyone except themselves.

Treasury Note debt increased by $1 trillion from 2021 to 2022. When listing Liabilities – federal employee pensions and Veteran pensions are listed as debt – Social Security is NOT. $6 TRILLION of that debt is owed to Veterans. The government doesn’t have The MONEY!   They will never have the money no matter how many funds they rob.   They never will have that money.

WHY isn’t the Federal Government in Court defending their Balance Sheet debacle of insanity – in front of the Democrat Judges!?

Putting forth Trump’s supposed overstatement of assets – is the point of his ‘corrupt investigation’… yet the Federal Government Balance Sheet is an absolute FARK CRIME of unfathomable proportions!   And the Trump trials are a distraction.

The US Government is so underwater – there are not enough trade deals that can even dent the debt.   And printing more money to sustain Ukraine has likely pushed the value of the dollar since the advent of our esteemed Federal Reserve established in 1913 into negative territory! Our dollar is worth negative cents.   NEGATIVE. Debt to Fake GDP numbers is 125%.   Inflation is more likely 25% – not 3% – another war will send us into hyperinflation.

By comparison, our supposed ‘arch enemy Russia’ debt as of 2022 was US estimated to be $335 billion or 15% of their GDP. Within those sparse figures, the US NGO Government states this 15% is ‘unsustainable’ and Russia will default.   Russia Did IT!   Russia – Bad…

The US is an even deeper failure than we can imagine given the numbers presented are likely well overstated for assets and well understated for liabilities – with absolutely zero SOLUTION proffered.  The Trillions LOST are gone – likely in the pockets of elite cabalists.

Instead, we are given the privilege to listen to Crispy Crème Christie scream Trump is the destruction of America!   We are privileged to listen to FBI agents demanding the gulag appointment of 85 million American Trump supporters – and the prevalence of an ADDITIONAL 7 million illegal gangland mafia members who do NOT give one dollar to the US Economy, but do TAKE their “Fair Share”.

And the Agency holding the vast majority of T-Bills in our taxpayer government?   Social Security! That’s why Rand Paul wants to extend the age for social security benefits – because they have been dry for sometime – and are simply another money printing scheme. The Government Books are Rigged and Congress doesn’t want to reveal this Truth.

Not even – the good guys.

We are dealing with Neanderthals who took over banking, pharma, the military and its industrial complex, and healthcare.   They have managed to destroy America in just over 100 years!   A new record for the Legacy Books.

The Twin Tower assault was rumored to have been orchestrated to cover up some severe Pentagon ‘lost money’ –admitting to  $3trillion – meaning it is far higher.  Taxpayer money that vanished!  All the paperwork was destroyed.   The Bush’s were thought to be central.

McCarthy was a good revelation of deception.   He was a pretty boy charmer who smiled and promised and swore – AND YET – never did a dang thing. And in the end was hoping to rely on his fellow Democrats – to save Republican him. Not exactly a Brownie Point!

What to do? What to do? The cabalist call a meeting and decide that Israel will be the Twin Tower effect.   Remember Bush calling it a major event that created a ‘global enemy’ everyone could rally around.   And they did.   So when war was declared on half the Middle East, the people brainwashed with emotional rage, demanded – death.

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