If the Bilderbergers are a powerful think tank, where do they come from and what is the power behind them?


by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

The Bilderberg Group, formed in 1954, was founded in the Netherlands as a secretive meeting held once a year, drawing roughly 130 of the political-financial-military-academic-media elites from North America and Western Europe as “an informal network of influential people who could consult each other privately and confidentially.”

Regular participants include the CEOs or chairmen of some of the largest corporations in the world, oil companies such as Royal Dutch Shell, British Petroleum, and Total SA, as well as various European monarchs, international bankers such as David Rockefeller, major politicians, presidents, prime ministers, and central bankers of the world.

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Referring to a 2006 article which is no longer available on the internet, The Global Elite wrote that the Bilderberg Group acts as a “secretive global think-tank,” with an original intent to “link governments and economies in Europe and North America amid the Cold War.”

Source Watch notes that since 1973, Japanese elites have been brought into the fold through a third overlapping group, the Trilateral Commission.  Why did the Bilderberg Group include Japan?

At the 1973 Bilderberg meeting, attendees discussed the need for cooperation between the European Community (“EC”), USA and Japan. Chief among the reasons for cooperation was the fact that the EC, the US and Japan were all dependent, at least in the medium term, on other countries for their energy supplies.  By energy, the Bilderbergers were referring to the mainstay of the world’s energy supplies – oil.  It was at this Bilderberg Conference, some speculate, that the group formulated the plan for the 1973 Oil Crisis, which occurred five months later.

So, who is the power behind the Bilderberg Group?

Walter Veith is a retired South African professor and researcher in medical bioscience. He abandoned his atheist evolutionist worldview following a series of challenging events for which his scientific training offered neither explanations nor solutions. Since then, he has travelled the world, presenting thoroughly researched lectures on Bible prophecy, health, Creation science, and secret societies.

In a 2012 lecture, he discussed who is wielding the money and power behind the scenes to engineer a global takeover and set up a new world order.  In Episode 5 of his ‘Repairing the Breach’ series, he covered who controls the money and power behind the European Union and the Bilderberg Group, and their connections to the Jesuits.

Amazing Discoveries: Who Controls the World’s Money and Power? Reaping the Whirlwind – Part 2, Repairing the Breach, Episode 5, 19 November 2013 (70 mins)

If the video above is removed from YouTube, you can watch it on the Amazing Discoveries website HERE.

The following is based on Veith’s lecture above to which we have added information. Our aim is not to document everything Vieth covers in his lecture, but instead, we have narrowed our sights to the beginnings and who controls the Bilderberg Group.  It is well worth watching Vieth’s lecture as well as reading the following.

Many tend to think the Bilderberg Group was the brainchild of Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands.  But he was the front man.  The Bilderberg Group was set up by Józef Retinger or Rettinger, a Polish politician.  This is clearly stated in Prince Bernhard’s authorised biography:

[The first Bilderberg meeting in 1954] and the subsequent ones that stemmed from it, which have had a great if indefinite impact on the history of our times, are, perhaps, in this writer’s opinion, Prince Bernhard’s proudest achievement in the field of Western unity and international amity.

It was not Bernhard’s original idea, but had its inception in the brilliant brain of Dr Joseph H. Retinger. Retinger was an extraordinary character who flitted through Europe talking on intimate terms with Prime Ministers, labour leaders, industrial magnates, revolutionaries, and intellectuals – in short, all the non-Communist rulers and would-be rulers of the free nations of Europe.

Though people persist in calling Retinger an eighteenth-century man functioning in the twentieth century, he was not that at all. He came straight out of the Renaissance. Instead of the sceptical, précieuse attitude typical of the eighteenth century, his Jesuitical conviction that the end justified the means, and a Borgian aptitude for intrigue; but the ends he sought were never selfish. They were good.

Though his name is virtually unknown except to the initiates, he made more history in his secret way than many a man who moved to the sound of trumpets and the howl of motorcycle sirens. According to the official publication of the European Centre of Culture, “Retinger was the key figure in most of the great European union. The League of European Economic Cooperation (from which evolved the Common Market), the European Movement, and the European Centre of Culture would not have seen the light without him. The Congress of Europe at The Hague was his doing, and the Council of Europe grew out of that.” [Emphasis our own].

Extract from ‘H. R. H. Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands; an authorised biography by Alden Hatch (1962), Bilderberg.org

Retinger’s friends described him with adjectives like brilliant, charming, discreet, loyal, brave, modest, selfless, mysterious, rough, frank, direct and tenacious. All agreed that he was a fine psychologist, at times manipulative – someone who took pleasure in juggling with the ideas and with the emotions of the people around him.

His enemies, however, said he was the Devil incarnate. They accused him of every kind of crime. They regarded him at best as a political adventurer and at worst as an agent of evil forces. His enemies feared him as much as they hated him. Few dared to name him. Most often, they called him “Dr. R.” or “Mr. R.” or simply “R”.

Read more: Józef Retinger, Bilderberg Meetings

The Teleport website included a webpage on Retinger.  Teleport was a website maintained by Jan Chciuk-Celt, the son of Tadeusz Chciuk-Celt who was one of Retinger’s comrades during World War II.  Although the website is no longer available, a copy of the webpage relating to Retinger is archived on the Wayback machine.

Further reading: Józef Retinger: Adventures of an Enigmatic Polish Patriot, The Krakow Post, 7 September 2018

Teleport confirmed that Retinger was the founder and Secretary of the Bilderberg Conference.  And, according to Teleport, Retinger was accused by whispered rumours of being a Vatican agent, a Jesuit spy, a high-ranking Mason, a Knight of Malta, a Jew, a homosexual, a CIA agent, a Zionist agent, an MI5 agent, an MI6 agent, a Russian agent and The Devil’s Cousin – and he’d say “that’s not the half of it.”

During World War II, Retinger’s most famous nickname was “Salamander”. Stephen Dorril revealed in his 2000 book that Retinger was a Special Operations Executive (”SOE”) asset:

In 1943 the fifty-five-year-old Retinger joined SOE and parachuted into Poland to make contact with the underground Home Army. Within SOE, ‘Salamander’ formed a number of important friendships in the intelligence world, most notably with its Executive Director, Colin Gubbins, who shared ideas of European unity with a mutual “old friend” and SOE colleague, Major Edward Beddington-Behrens.

MI6: Fifty Years of Special Operations, Stephen Dorril, 2000

SOE was a British force set up in 1940 to wage a secret war behind enemy lines.  It was abolished in January 1946. The Secret Intelligence Service (“SIS”) – commonly referred to as MI6 (or Military Intelligence Section 6) – absorbed much of its training and research staff.

As Teleport had mentioned, Retinger was not only an agent of British intelligence agencies, he was also a Jesuit spy.

In his book ‘The Bilderbergers: Puppet-Masters of Power? An Investigation into Claims of Conspiracy at the Heart of Politics, Business, and the Media’, German journalist, writer and documentary maker Gerhard Wisnewski referred to Jan Chciuk-Celt’s writings: “Retinger became a priest as a young man and completed the Jesuit novitiate in Rome, reports Jan Chciuk-Celt … Since celibacy ‘appeared to him as a hurdle that was too great’, he had again nailed up the priestly profession.”

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