

by Robert Gore, Straight Line Logic:

A pervasive foreboding has enveloped the world, a feeling that we’re on the verge of something traumatic and epochal. The feeling has been stoked by overlords at the World Economic Forum and other globalist groups, promising us a miserable future, ostensibly to fight germs and changing temperatures, but actually to institute global governance and totalitarian control. That the overlords no longer hide their agenda, and that their bleak program has made the remarkable headway it has, hints at some sort of sinister, unrecognized force at loose in the world. Some say it’s satanic, though the world has been here before.

The historical analogue is Europe in 1517, just before Martin Luther nailed his Ninety-five Theses to the door of All Saints Church and launched the Reformation. That epochal movement involved a crisis of faith in a human institution—the Catholic Church—and a wrenching reexamination of belief that led to centuries-long intellectual ferment and sectarian violence across Europe. The Reformation sparked the Renaissance and Enlightenment, and eventually a belief that was stronger than faith in the Catholic Church: faith in government. As that latter faith falters, the new reformation will be just as wrenching and violent as the old one, probably more so.\

The testament to the newer faith’s strength is its persistence despite governments’ myriad and manifest failures. Government grants itself a monopoly on the right to initiate force. Violence is a dubious foundation for religious faith, but the legal privilege to force others to do what one wants casts a spell impervious to logic or reality. To the contrary, governments’ failures feed the devout’s desire for more government and increases the determination of its high priests to maintain their power.

Government itself, not facts, logic, or argument, is destroying the faith, in part because it’s destroying the faithful. Nothing demonstrates that more clearly than the COVID vaccines. Millions believed propaganda and lies, dutifully lining up for their shots, and are now severely injured or dead. More research is necessary on the vaccines’ lethal mechanisms—research that is officially discouraged—however, their lethality has persisted since mass vaccination began and could persist for many more years.

An institution whose foundation is violence destroys and kills, and attracts those drawn to destruction and death. The outcome of violence is not order and safety, it’s chaos. Chaos may appear to be a “bottom up” phenomenon, but it’s usually the result of decisions and actions from the top. At the bottom, most of us want to peaceably live our lives and pursue our happiness. At the top, our overlords make it impossible for us to do so.

We get tyranny, war, destructive laws and regulations, government interference in every facet of life, deceit, propaganda, censorship, and corruption. After a century in which governments killed an estimated 100 to 200 million, you would think people would be disabused of their belief in it. Such is the strength of faith that they are not. Consequently, this century’s death toll may exceed last century’s.

Will the U.S. government avoid the blame for the chaos it has created, thus preserving the faith? It has so far and will continue to try to do so. However, the flip side of a government that wants to control every aspect of American life and preserve a global empire is that there is so much that can and will go wrong. The Biden administration is a demonstration in real time.

The faithful blame the unfolding domestic catastrophe on the enemies of the faith—the deplorables, aka right-wing extremists. How that group is responsible for central bank manufactured inflation, rising interest rates, financial collapse, the border crisis, ruined Democrat-led cities, or the COVID vaccines’ death toll are questions that answer themselves—they’re not—but never underestimate the destruction stemming from not asking or answering questions. The faithful believe in the same way as end-of-the-world cultists after the world fails to end on the predicted day.

Faith in government is behind what so many of us have observed or experienced: the inability of the faithful to engage in rational discussion. They will belittle, shout down, walk away from, physically assault, censor, imprison, execute, or otherwise evade those who ask questions or state facts. Philosophers and theologians have gone back and forth on the compatibility of true religious faith and reason for centuries. There is no doubt about the incompatibility of faith in government and reason; never the twain shall meet.

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