Hamas terror leader calls for Muslim uprising ‘everywhere’ on Friday


from WND:

In the aftermath of his organization’s decision to spark a regional war that easily could turn into a much larger conflagration, Hamas leader Khalid Mashal now is calling for a further uprising.

On Friday.

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In a video posted online by the Liberty Daily, Mashal spends minutes praising the terrorists who last weekend launched a depraved attack on Israel, killing probably 1,000 innocent civilians including babies who were gruesomely decapitated.

He blames the violence on the “criminal occupation” of Israel in line with his group’s ideology that calls for, like the Iranian regime demands, the total elimination of Israel.

It was Iran that likely funded some of the costs of the barrage of attacks that now has triggered Israel into a fullscale lockdown of Gaza, and its probable destruction.

Mashal threatens: “There is an invitation on Friday. Friday. A flood to Al-Aqsa. But they do it before Friday, after Friday, and on Friday. We want to tell the Zionists, their criminal leaders, their forces, and the Americans who came to their rescue, because they have double standard, they see Ukraine’s fight as fair but they do not see the battle of the Palestinian people as just.”

He continued, “They sent a message across the squares and squares. Anger message. We are with Palestine. With Gaza. With Al-Aqsa. With Jerusalem, and we are part of this battle.”

He called for Muslims to “revive our pride and dignity,” and “renew the pages of history. Let us make today present, God willing. It heralds the future of freedom, liberation and victory…”

He called on Muslims for their “responsibility” to demand things “with a higher ceiling.”

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