George Soros Once Urged the U.S. to Work With Hamas


by Sarah Arnold, Townhall:

Democratic billionaire George Soros wanted the United States and Israel to work with the terrorist group Hamas. 

That alone should go to show the Left’s agenda for the U.S. 

According to a 2007 Financial Times op-ed, Soros criticized the Bush Administration for failing to embrace the terrorist regime after it won control of Gaza. 


The group that Soros wanted the U.S. to unite with killed more than 900 people, including at least 25 Americans. They also beheaded babies, kidnapped children, and raped women. 

In Soros’s eyes, Hamas had “a military wing, largely directed from Damascus and beholden to its Syrian and Iranian sponsors, and a political wing that is more responsive to the needs of the Palestinian population that elected it.”

He claimed the decision not to join forces with a terrorist group only made Israeli-Palestinian relations worse. 

“If Israel had accepted the results of the election, that might have strengthened the more moderate political wing,” the radically progressive Democrat wrote. “Unfortunately, the ideology of the ‘war on terror’ does not permit such subtle distinctions.” 

At the time of former George W. Bush’s term, Soros demanded the U.S. and Israel that it “must open the door to Hamas.” 

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