Gates Foundation to Accelerate Modified mRNA DEATHVAX™ Innovation and Manufacturing in Africa and Globally


by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World, 2nd Smartest Guy in the World:

When the dark forces behind the Rockefeller Foundation initially selected and fashioned Bill Gates as their most “successful” front person, they had a decent inkling of just how rabid this genocidal puppet would eventually become, but perhaps this psychotic murderer has in fact exceeded all expectations, and then some…


HORROR SHOW UPDATE: Are Genetically Modified Mosquitoes That Vaccinate Humans Now Causing U.S. Malaria Cases For First Time Since 2003?

HORROR SHOW UPDATE: Are Genetically Modified Mosquitoes That Vaccinate Humans Now Causing U.S. Malaria Cases For First Time Since 2003?

This Substack previously reported on the illicit Bill Gates mosquito eugenics program: And now we have the latest in Statism bioterrorism with the latest mass induced fear campaign involving “malaria:” We know that Bill Gates has been releasing his genetically modified frankenmosquitos in Florida for years now. We may extrapolate that said frankenmosquit…

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And this article exposed the recent African bioterror adventurism of the Gates Foundation:

AI, Baby Chicks, and Salty Crickets: Gates Foundation CEO Mark Suzman Facilitating The Next Phase of the Global Eugenics Program in Kenya

AI, Baby Chicks, and Salty Crickets: Gates Foundation CEO Mark Suzman Facilitating The Next Phase of the Global Eugenics Program in Kenya

Readers of this Substack well appreciate that psychopath Bill Gates was from an early age carefully selected and groomed by the Rockefeller Crime Syndicate to become what he is today; namely, a destroyer of humanity. Not only was Gates instrumental in the slow kill bioweapon “vaccine” programs, he was also involved in laundering his windfall “profits” fo…

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Today we shall focus on the latest Gates Foundation eugenics ploy not just in Africa, but also across all other continents where democide by “vaccines” may be achieved:

Who exactly is being targeted for extermination?

Today at the 2023 Grand Challenges Annual Meeting, Bill Gates, Co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, announced new investments to advance access to mRNA research and vaccine manufacturing technology that will support low- and middle-income countries’ (LMICs) capacity to develop high-quality, lifesaving vaccines at scale.

In other words, the poors are yet again in the proverbial depopulation crosshairs via slow kill bioweapon injections.

Ask Billy Boy, his staff, Dr. Mengele 2.0, any doctor, “expert” or anyone else for that matter to cite a single large-scale RCT study with placebo control establishing that any vaccine is safe and effective, not to mention the Modified mRNA poisons in the press release which never made it past animal trials due to their toxicities and deadlinesses.

The move builds on lessons the foundation has learned from more than 20 years of working with vaccine manufacturers in LMICs and the opportunity to leverage recent scientific advances to develop low-cost, high-quality health tools that reach more people around the world. mRNA technology is considered a potential game-changer for a range of infectious diseases, including tuberculosis, malaria, and Lassa fever, which disproportionately affect people in LMICs. This new technology can significantly lower the costs of mRNA research and manufacturing and enable expanded access—helping to close critical gaps.

Those lessons are quite stark indeed: when the oral Polio vaccines were distributed to any region, Polio cases in those regions exploded, and when tetanus vaccines were administered in African towns, childbirths suddenly plummeted; in fact, the Bill Gates sterilizing vaccines have been forced on various populations for decades; to wit:

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