For the Corporate State, Ideology is a Tool for Social Control


by Kurt Nimmo, Kurt Nimmo on Geopolitics:

Last week, I wrote the following in response to “The GloboCap Follies,” a Substack post by C.J. Hopkins covering the gushing praise for SS Galizien Nazi Yaroslav Hunka by Canada’s ruling elite and their servants in Parliament.

Hopkins is correct when he writes that “GlobalCap” (Global Capitalism) “has nothing to do with Nazism, or Communism, or ‘cultural Marxism,’ or any other Ism. It has nothing to do with ideology, or beliefs, or any social or cultural values whatsoever.”


In response, I commented:

The corporate state (fascism) is not wed to any ism. It is not ideological, as noted above. It adopts and sheds the appearance of political ideology same as it adopts and exploits cultural trends. The cultural we can ignore, the political we cannot.

The system, “GlobalCap,” the “New World Order,” whatever it may be called, doesn’t care about rights for “transsexuals” (there is no such thing) beyond stupidly celebrating such creatures on beer cans bought in the millions by normies. The state serves the corporations and we are here to buy and consume crap made by near-slaves and eat bioengineered frankenshit.

I mean, we built this machine, and have done so since 1945, the industry and technology is in place. Now it is time to cull the herd. I am an old man unable to work for the machine, the system. All of us are drudges for the system, even if we think we’re part of the “private sector,” not directly employed by the government. The corporate state is everywhere. Soon wifi in our homes will allow authorized-deputized underwear drawer snoopers to watch us engaged in private acts.

Cattle pens and stockyards are also monitored. Our ear tags will be less visible.

George Carlin said it… They OWN you. They own all of us and we’re expendable and disposable and now liabilities within a welfare system designed by bureaucrats almost a hundred years ago. The whole thing is going to collapse. The corporate state is like a boulder tied to the neck of a drowning man.

Do you want to see America in five or more years? Look no further than Venezuela.

That collapse was engineered, too.

In a recent post, “Justin and the Nazis,” I wrote:

It should also be noted that Canada’s Foreign Affairs Minister, Chrystia Freeland, who arranged a Canadian training mission with Ukraine’s “integral nationalists” in 2017, has a rather ugly skeleton in her closet. Freeland’s Ukrainian grandfather Michael Chomiak (Mykhailo Khomiak) was a Nazi collaborator. He edited Krakivs’ki Visti, a “vehemently antisemitic” newspaper.

Last September, I wrote “Ukronazi May Become NATO Boss,” where I noted the following:

According to John-Paul Himka, of Harvard Ukrainian Studies, “Krakivs’ki visti was the most important newspaper to appear in the Ukrainian language under the German occupation during World War II.”

I also linked an article about Justin’s father, former Canadian PM Pierre Trudeau. The elder Trudeau was a lover of Nazism and communism.

The Canadian Security Intelligence Service revealed in 2019 that a secret file on the scandalous dealings of the elder Trudeau was dispatched to the memory hole. His “fascination with communism, fascism, socialism and religion drove Trudeau to the far reaches of the political world,” writes Robert Morley for The Trumpet.

According to a Free Republic book review of the biography “Young Trudeau: Son of Quebec, Father of Canada, 1919-1944,” authored by Max and Monique Nemni, Trudeau was “not in the usual iconographic way… the sacrosanct icon of the progressive new Canada but as an anti-Semitic admirer of Hitler and Mussolini.”

There is plenty of reason to believe there is an affinity for fascism and communism in the ranks of the ruling elite, with associated “stakeholders,” and their servants and operatives in government.

It has nothing to do with a Master Race of Nordic Supermen, making the trains run on time, or the dictatorship of the proletariat. It’s all about the means and exercise of control. Both ideologies are effective political and social control mechanisms.

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