ESPN/Disney Wants to Remind its Customers It Hates Them


by Daniel Greenfield, Front Page Mag:

Much like BLM, Ibram X. Kendi can only fail upward. No sooner does his Boston University Center for Antiracist Research fall apart, firing employees left and right, accompanied by acrimony, than Disney bails him out.

Boston University professor and author Ibram X. Kendi has kicked off an ESPN+ series that focuses on racism in the sports world.

“Skin in the Game with Dr. Ibram X. Kendi,” which began streaming last month on ESPN+, follows Kendi as he interviews athletes, experts and journalists about racism and sports.


The series is co-produced by ESPN+ Originals and Andscape, in association with Religion of Sports and Kendi’s Maroon Visions.

The series features vignettes from notable names, including W. Kamau Bell and Jemele Hill, and each episode ends with a roundtable discussion led by Kendi.

Disney couldn’t let a week go by without reminding its customers of how much it hates them while continuing to politicize sports. There are Hulu posters everywhere for the racist 1619 Project (misleadingly featuring an African-American boy draped in an American flag) and Disney continues to carry out racialist remakes of its classic films.

The racist mouse has to push racism through every one of its properties from children’s cartoons to sports.

A reboot of the Disney show “The Proud Family” is receiving backlash over a rap in a recent episode of the cartoon featuring kids debating about slavery and reparations, arguing that America “owes” Black Americans because America “still has not atoned for” its systemic prejudice, racism and white supremacy.

“This country was built on slavery, which means slaves built this country,” the song repeatedly stated in the Disney+ episode of “The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder.”

“The descendants of slaves continue to build it, slaves built this country and we the descendants of slaves in America have earned reparations for their suffering and continue to earn reparations every moment we spend submerged in a systemic prejudice, racism and white supremacy that America was founded with and still has not atoned for,” the children chanted.

If you’re still giving Disney money, just remember you are funding a company that hates you in every possible way.

Can we get reparations for being subjected to Disney’s racism?

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