Dr. Mark Trozzi: COVID insanity a ‘big psy-op’ against doctors who succumbed to fear, greed


by Nick Marmalejo, LifeSite News:

In an exclusive interview with LifeSiteNews co-founder Steve Jalsevac, Dr. Trozzi detailed how the medical industry was psychologically cornered and cowed into top-down compliance by relentless COVID messaging from the government.

Canadian Medical freedom fighter Dr. Mark Trozzi has exposed the dark money, political pressure, establishment corruption, and fake news that made the COVID-19 propaganda campaign a terror operation that brought the world to its knees.

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In an exclusive interview with LifeSiteNews’ co-founder Steve Jalsevac, Trozzi detailed how his decades-long experience in trauma medicine in Ontario stood in stark contrast to the COVID-19 narrative sung by the mainstream media and medical establishment at the outset of the so-called “pandemic.”

“CBC and CNN and all these propagandists were telling people that the hospitals were full of people, sick with COVID, dying with COVID,” said Trozzi. “Well, I was in the hospitals, and they were empty. In fact, I had never I had such a quiet time in my career.”

Unfortunately for Trozzi, this ‘quiet time’ was the calm before the cultural storm that would overtake his profession.

As he began to study COVID-19’s appearance and its implications, relentless COVID-19 emergency messaging from governments and their agencies rattled the entire medical industry. Hospitals, doctors, and medical schools were psychologically cornered and cowed into top-down compliance.

“There was a big psyop on the doctors…There was this state of panic, even though there was nothing going on,” Trozzi recalled. “We were told that any moment now the doors are going to break in, and we were going to be flooded with people.”

He continued: “This was presented from the get-go as totally novel, like nothing you’ve ever seen. Forget everything you think you know about treating pneumonia and viral illnesses… Fairly quickly, it also became apparent that questioning things was not going to be tolerated—that’s for sure. That became very evident.”

Many of Trozzi’s colleagues were spellbound by the government’s COVID-19 fear campaign. However, he notes that others discovered that following the establishment’s mandates for COVID-19 treatment—such as only conducting PCR tests or nasal swabs—paid as much as 20% more than regular work at their normal practice.

The campaign to foist the so-called COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ upon the global population also carried with it a monetary payoff.

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