DEMOLITION BY DERIVATIVES: When Will The Banksters Trigger That Quadrillion Dollar Market Implosion


from State Of The Nation:

*The banksters undoubtedly know that we have reached mathematical certainty and, therefore, they must conduct
their long-planned controlled demolition before an
uncontrollable collapse takes place. The NWO financial
engineers know exactly when their derivative D-day
has arrived.


Submitted by a Veteran Financial Analyst and Author from The Market Oracle
SOTN Exclusive

In January of 2009, in the wake of the market crash of 2008, we published the following article: The FOUR FINANCIAL HORSEMEN Herald the Death Knell of Predatory Capitalism.

What follows is a key excerpt from that critical analysis which has since manifested more and more each successive year, but almost completely under the radar. That’s why we are shining light on the pivotal “Quadrillion Dollar Plus Derivative Market” at this very moment.


This is where Wall Street high finance meets the blackjack tables of Las Vegas – both literally and figuratively. This marriage of convenience represents the ultimate fusion of everything that was wrong with the MO of today’s (yesterday’s) investment bankster and all the ways that the gambling casino is always rigged by the house (aka the guvment). Just as the house fixes every game in town so that it never loses, the fat cats at Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs never walk away from the table without a belly full of fish. Even though many of their bets fell right through the floor, they still, somehow, feel entitled to multi- billion dollar bailouts. Experts at privatizing profits and assets, and socializing losses and debts, they are. Also unparalleled in their ability to turn the entire world into one colossal betting parlor.

Derivatives are the real hidden time bomb in this whole story. You talk about a wild card – man oh man – it doesn’t get any wilder than the card stamped with “D” for DERIVATIVE. This tangled mess has touched every nook and cranny on every continent, in every nation, in every corporation on planet earth. They don’t even know – We don’t even know – No one knows, if the notional value of the total sum of derivative instruments issued worldwide is closer to 500 trillion dollars or, get this, ONE QUADRILLION dollars. Can you imagine the high intensity hawking that had to happen to get to a place of $1,000,000,000,000,000.00 of highfalutin bets?!?! Oh my gosh! All the gambling casinos in Vegas, Atlantic City, and every reservation in the lower 48 put together couldn’t come close to a mere fraction of that number.

The real challenge concerning this inconceivably heavy lead balloon was how to make it respectable, and legal, and salable, and acceptable, all at the same time. But somehow they did it. Of course they set this little charade up completely outside the normal framework of: (i) governmental regulation, (ii) monitoring by financial analysts, (iii) legal due diligence, and (iv) scrutiny by the financial news media. How many people have even ever heard of a credit default swap, forward rate agreement, or turbo warrant?

We’re talking about the outhouse of the financial industry here, so one must really give them credit for their ability to turn crap into caviar. And then sell it as such, as we mentioned earlier. These crap conversion factories (aka hedge funds) became the ultimate in new age financial alchemy. The hedge fund lab directors somehow managed to transform pure lead into pure gold. Mind you, we’re talking about the proverbial philosopher’s stone, right here, in the midst of the modern financial marketplace. Wonder who the MERLIN was that thought up this scheme which will ultimately ensure the downfall of an entire civilization? We know who the Federal Reserve Chairman was that aided and abetted the perpetrators, as well as helped implement the entire scheme. Probably ought to start there and follow the trail back to those that conceived the whole plot, so that we might at least confiscate their piggy banks. Never has the phrase – pigs at the trough – been more apropos.

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