Decoding Agenda 21: Control, Power, and Manipulation


by Karen Schoen, America Outloud:

Over the years, we become familiar with the true goals of the Globalists/World Economic Forum(WEF)/ United Nations (UN)/ United Nations Education Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and multiple NGOs in partnership with Microsoft to destroy Western culture.  As we learn about their sinister plans, they change their name.

The master plan is always Agenda 21, the plan to own and control every aspect of human activity.  This plan was created in the 1930s by the introduction of communism to America. By the late 1980s, with technology in place, the implementation of world domination was ready. The schools were tackled first as individualism was replaced with collectivism, facts were replaced with emotion, and education was replaced with training. George Bush 41 and Nancy Pelosi signed onto Agenda 21 and introduced “A New World Order” to the nation through Congress. Bush signed EO 12803, enabling foreign entities to “buy” a piece of America.  He had no right to sell what he didn’t own. Open borders promoting illegal immigration without assimilation would ensure the demise of America.


The main goal of the Globalists Agenda 21 is always depopulation using any means possible. They realize it is too hard to control 7 Billion people, so jobs will be handled by robots, and fewer humans will be needed. What better way to eliminate people than by blaming the very thing necessary to sustain their lives CO2? Wars, famine, disease, nature, lies of man all help to reach the goal.   The climate hoax blaming fossil fuel, CO2, and now nitrogen, all necessary to improve human existence, became the focus for elimination.   No CO2 = No plants or oxygen. No plants or oxygen, no food. No Food, no people. No people, no problems. Their plan was to start the propaganda early in school.  By lowering standards for Affirmative Action using race to turn people on each other in the name of security, they have created the perfect formula for low-information voters who will do as they are told.

Through the years, a variety of sub-plans were created to “fool the populace” for the good of the planet, for the common good. Smart Cities, Resilient Cities, Sustainable Cities, Agenda 2030, Green New Deal, Build Back Better, two weeks to flatten the curve, masks, SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) Gun legislation follow the same Marxist ideology. You will comply or die. These programs have been developed for control of the populace. Today, we are being dictated to by Affirmative Action graduates who believe our rights come from the government and the United Nations should control the world through unelected bureaucrats running NGOs with taxpayer money.  No need for borders or law and order.   So what if the people die from drugs or abortion or crime, with fewer mouths to feed? As long as there are slaves to work, Globalists could care less.

The last nail is the affluent middle class.  Can’t let them own anything because other countries might want the same. “Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class – involving high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, air-conditioning, and suburban housing – are not sustainable.” – Maurice Strong, Rio Earth Summit. 1992 Bush 41 signed Agenda 21 before it was written.

According to Agenda 21, all policies must be tied to the environment, making humans responsible for climate change.   They intertwine the 3E’s implementing Agenda 21. Everything is connected. Nothing is random. Everything has a plan, and all plans are lies. Their 3 E’s:

Environment – Climate touches everyone, so make that the issue. Blame Fossil fuel for destroying the planet and making climate change – a lie.    No energy, no power. Blame CO2 and Nitrogen, both necessary to sustain plant and human life. By calling them greenhouse gas (a minuscule amount), both provide the perfect culprit to force a food shortage.  CO2 is needed for plants for photosynthesis to occur.    Photosynthesis provides food for plants and oxygen for people. Nitrogen provides fertilizer for soil to feed plants (food) and animals (Meat), which become food protein (strength)  for humans.   Weak, hungry people will not fight their government. They will beg for food.  They stopped teaching science in school today. Instead, they teach environmental science. Great documentary

Equity – According to the Globalists, everyone on the planet is entitled to the same things.  Therefore, the government must own everything to make it fair.  Blame the victim for enticing the criminal.  Control healthcare and push termination on “individuals who are inferior.” “Global Sustainability requires the deliberate quest of poverty, reduced resource consumption, and set levels of mortality control.”  – Professor Maurice King

Eliminate police for being abusive and racist. Take guns from citizens so criminals can be free. The latest in Florida is the push to combine judicial districts, which will increase crime in rural areas. The load on attorneys and judges will increase, and lesser crimes will be ignored.

Economy – Dictators from countries who sign the Agenda are forced to take massive loans to make their countries “sustainable.” Since sustainability is based on lies, solutions will never work but will require more and more loans. Since the loans can never be repaid, the dictators partner with the loan company or country, giving away their country’s sovereignty and resources.  The country is forced into massive debt, causing massive inflation and destruction to the country’s economy.  It is imperative that Globalists control every aspect of humanity so technology is used for surveillance. 15 Minute Cities will ensure that humans will be kept within a 15-minute walking distance perimeter of their residence.

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