DATA: Pesticides Causing Leukemia in Kids


by Jake Welch, The National Pulse:

Children living in close proximity to dense vineyards have been found to be at an increased risk of developing leukemia as a result of the pesticides used on the grapes, according to a recent study published in the highly accredited Environmental Health Perspectives journal on Wednesday.

The study, to which seven scientists and researchers contributed, examined over 3,700 cases of pediatric leukemia in under 15s recorded in France between 2006 and 2013 while also accounting for the home addresses of the children. The researchers then compared the information to 40,196 healthy children of the same age.


The researchers found an increased risk of children developing cancer if they lived within one kilometre (0.62 miles) of a vineyard. And for every ten percent growth in the vineyard’s density, the risk would increase by five percent.

“[W]e evidenced a slight increase in the risk of childhood [lymphoblastic leukemia] living in areas with higher viticulture density, with some heterogeneity between regions. This finding reinforces the hypothesis that pesticides used in viticulture may be associated with childhood [acute leukemia],” the study concluded. 

“Analysis of other crops and other types of cancer is also underway… including the evaluation of exposure to different pesticides,” said Stephanie Goujon, the leading author of the study, after the study’s publication.

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