Crime in US is an Internal Operation


by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

El Salvador was the murder capital of the world not long ago. The country has gone over 300 days without a homicide after El Salvador’s President Nayib Bukele implemented a zero-tolerance policy for gang  violence. The nation rounded up over 50,000 suspected gang members, also referred to as terrorists, and the rest likely fled to the US since the border is non-existent. Since the system has been very efficient, videos of Bukele criticizing US politicians for allowing crime to escalate across America are beginning to recirculate.


The demise of America has to come from within,” Bukele told Tucker Carlson. “The enemies have to be inside. No external enemy can cause so much damage as internal. It is an internal operation. You’re watching an internal operation here. You can see them and see these cities that were pristinely beautiful 30 years ago are wastelands now,” he stated. He went on to say that he admits he is from a third-world country but would feel unsafe in any US city due to violent crime.

Now Bukele was harshly criticized for rounding up the criminals but it worked. Crime is on the rise in America but our policies are continually favoring the criminals. “When you look how the cities are eroding so fast, this has to be by design. I mean who would make so many stupid decisions?” Bukele asked Carlson. “They’re literally giving some people drugs in some us cities, or they say we’re going to give you money if you don’t work. They make all these laws that make no sense. If they have high crime, they say okay I have a solution, let’s defund the police.”

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