China Moves Six Warships into the Middle East Amid Rising Tensions


from The Conservative Treehouse:

Please remember the global economics of the thing always aligns with the motives and outcomes of the thing. Remember, Saudi Arabia just joined the BRICS coalition, BRICS+.

A new report shows China is moving six additional warships into the Middle East amid concerns the Israeli War could expand into a larger regional conflict. China is aligned with multiple interests; and cunning Panda also supports the Biden administration end goal of a two-state solution in Israel.


(UK EXPRESS) – China has deployed six warships to the Middle East as the conflict between Israel and Hamas escalates, according to reports.

The 44th naval escort task force – from the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Eastern Theatre – has been involved in routine operations in the region and spent several days in Oman last week.

The Chinese warships left Muscat for an unspecified location on Saturday after participating in an exercise with the Omani navy.

The task force includes the Zibo, a guided missile destroyer, the frigate Jingzhou, and the supply ship Qiandaohu – all of which will be stationed in the Middle East as Israel prepares for a ground invasion of Gaza.

During the visit to Oman, Chinese commanders met with Omani military officials and visited military institutions, while sailors from both countries toured shops and even organized a basketball game, according to a state news agency.

Since arriving in the Gulf of Aden north of Somalia six months ago, the PLA task force has been involved in escort missions for shipping.


However, it handed over its mission to the 45th task force – from the PLA’s Northern Theatre command – earlier this month.

Chinese leader Xi Jinping said on Thursday that a two-state solution to establish an independent Palestine is the “fundamental way out” of the Israel-Hamas war. (read more)

We need to keep watching these developments closely.

The U.S. has positioned two carrier battlegroups in the Mediterranean.   One group contains the USS Carney, an Arleigh Burke-class destroyer assigned to USS Ford Carrier Strike Group 12.  The Carney traveled through the Suez Canal Wednesday and immediately intercepted 4 cruise missiles and 11 drones from an unknown origin with an unknown destination. {Go Deep}

The original Pentagon statement has not changed in the past 48 hours.  Unknown origin, unknown target.  The missiles entered the protection zone of the strike group, so we shot them down.

All of the follow-up reporting about Yemen and Israel, as the origination and target respectively, has come from high level “U.S. government officials,” not the military.   That approach indicates a sensitive political matter, with the Biden administration (State Dept, NSC and Intel) guiding and controlling public information very carefully.

If you just stick to the Pentagon as the source of information, there has not been a change since the original report to the media.

Something remains sketchy.   I’m still not sure what it is, but something is not passing the sniff test.

China now moves six additional ships into the region.

What interests specifically is China planning on defending?

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