Canadian Police Officer Put on Trial for Investigating Dangers of mRNA


by Sean Adl-Tabatabai, The Peoples Voice:

A police detective in Trudeau’s Canada faces a hefty prison sentence for the crime of investigating the dangers of the mNRA vaccinations.

According to reports, Constable Helen Grus – a 20-year veteran detective with the Ottawa Police Service (OPS) – is being criminally prosecuted by the Trudeau regime for questioning the official narrative about COVID vaccines:


Grus allegedly accessed case files of newborn and infant death investigations to which she wasn’t assigned and inquired with the coroner about whether the parents of babies who had died unexpectedly during the pandemic were vaccinated against COVID-19.

Investigators also alleged Grus contacted the father of a deceased baby directly on Jan. 30, 2022, to inquire about the mother’s COVID-19 vaccination status. reports: Yes, you read that right: in Canada, you will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law if you are a detective who “contacted the father of a deceased baby to inquire about the mother’s COVID-19 vaccination status.”

During the Covid era, a waiter or grocery store clerk could inquire about a parent’s vaccination status, but a detective couldn’t.

The investigation by Ottawa Police into potential links between mRNA vaccines and Sudden Infant Deaths in pregnant and breastfeeding mothers was halted due to Grus’s suspension and subsequent charges.

“Attention all Ottawa Police SIDS investigators… don’t mention the Covid vaccines again.”

— Ottawa Police Sargeant Marc-Andre Guy

Formally, Grus is charged with “ discreditable conduct” under section 2(1) of Ontario’s Police Services Act, plus, the prosecution has served her with a notice of increased penalty, which allows the OPS to seek her dismissal, demote her, or ask for a forfeiture of pay or vacation.

Of course, Canadian Redditors universally cheered *against* Grus:

One of the loudest proponents against Grus on Twitter is “Dr.” Ralph Sciullo:

I was going to reach out to “Dr.” Ralph Sciullo with a series of pointed questions, but then I googled him and saw he is a chiropractor.

Anyway, that’s the story in a nutshell: a heroic Canadian detective investigates dead babies, and immediately gets crushed by the administrative state.

The CBC Leak

On March 28, 2022, although Grus’s suspension was not yet public knowledge, CBC Ottawa published a story sourced from anonymous leaks within the Ottawa police, initiating a trial by media.

Before publishing the story, CBC gave the OPS a 24-hour deadline to respond, thus commandeering the direction and timeline of the internal investigation.

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