Bill Gates Fiendishly Close Ties To Communist China, Funding Wuhan University A Year Before COVID & Firm Mining Our DNA Data, Exposes The Evil Mastermind Behind The Curtain


by Alan Barton, All News Pipeline:

– Bill Gates And The NWO Carrying Out Satanic Witchery Of The Worst Sort

This may be something we have gone over before, but let’s do a refresher to help keep this topic in focus.  Science, what is it, what does the term mean?  Britannica says science is “any system of knowledge that is concerned with the physical world and its phenomena and that entails unbiased observations and systematic experimentation.”  Emphasis is mine.  Wikipedia says “Science is a rigorous, systematic endeavor that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the world.”  The Science Council said “Science is the pursuit and application of knowledge and understanding of the natural and social world following a systematic methodology based on evidence” and added that “Objective observation….Evidence….Experiment and/or observation as benchmarks for testing hypotheses….reasoning to establish general rules or conclusions drawn from facts or examples….Repetition….Critical analysis….Verification and testing: critical exposure to scrutiny, peer review and assessment” as essential components of actual, real science.  Again, any emphasis is mine to highlight essential components of the term Science that we should be taking into account when anything is claimed to be scientific or scientifically proven.  It is, basically, just a methodology to understanding something, usually involving our natural world in one form or another.


  •        • The term “trust the science” so often used now is a false claim that is not to be done.  One may trust in the scientific method, or trust that one’s findings may be true, but an intelligent person would NEVER trust something that is only a theory that has been tried by some tests that weredesigned to show that the theory is true.  Especially when those tests are faked or manipulated to show the theory is correct when it shows no such thing.  Note that we put in the first paragraph describing science things like ‘evidence’, ‘verification’, ‘objective’, ‘repetition’, and trusting the science does no such thing.  It assumes you trust the claims, NOT the science itself.  Remember that current science is driven by academia pushing for a diploma, or a position in a college or research corporation, or to protect ones niche and job in the system, or for pretend verification of very questionable claims, or to sell some product or idea and so forth.  There is also no such thing as “settled science” as the very definition of science dictates that it cannot be settled because there are always tests to make on the THEORIES that are claimed to be ‘settled’ science.  Science is testing and therefore cannot be “settled” (sorry AlGore, but your claim is an absolute lie).

That is not what it is in today’s world, rather it is used as a form of mythology to conform official views to whatever the current trend my mandate.  Again, let’s look at Wikipedia for the definition of another term; “scientific myth is a myth about science, or a myth or factoid that is commonly thought to be scientific” and Nature magazine said science myths are “False beliefs and wishful thinking” and added that “Once a myth is here, it is often here to stay.”  There are so many current “science” myths that are officially claimed to be science that it is difficult to sort through them all, and the above Nature article and an article from Readers Digest run through a number of the more common ones that we will not take the space to go over here, but note that they do not cover the more evil ones like the killing of so many Africans, polio, AIDS and Covid “research”, climate, and on and on.  If it is covered in the non-MSM news outlets, he is likely involved somehow.

Mellissa Fleming, the Chief Communicator for the United Nations, claimed that “We own the science and we think the world should know it” and that “We do feel like we are in an information war and that we need to massively ramp up our response” for anything contrary to their mandated beliefs when she spoke of the UN’s expanded propaganda and censorship systems now in operation and expected to greatly increase (see her UN video on X here).  One such pseudo scientific shill is Bill Gates, with some even claiming he “is a vital Beacon for value and healing power of Science” while not actually being a scientist, just a pretender to that title.  He is not a scientist having NO scientific training, but the owner of a software firm that got its prominence by buying, stealing and otherwise obtaining the code to put together an operating system that has become the standard for most computers on this planet, while claiming to be a programmer himself.  The Bill and Malinda Gates Foundation is supposedly dedicated to science and stopping the spread of diseases like malaria, polio, and HIV around the world including African and other underdeveloped countries, not excluding developed ones like China and the USA.

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