Biden Regime Blows Fortune on Transgender Research


from Moonbattery:

The national debt has skyrocketed past $33 trillion. Inflation is much worse than the authorities admit. Meanwhile, our moonbat rulers waste money on a gargantuan scale to finance their sick agenda:

The Biden administration has awarded over $100 million in federal grants to colleges, universities, and hospitals to fund research into “transgender” medicine, according to a report published by the Capital Research Center on Sept. 12.

Researchers Parker Thayer and Katie Cagle write that the Biden Administration has spent “over $104 million in payments to initiatives mostly or exclusively promoting, subsidizing, or studying transgenderism.”


The Democrats in charge are not just creepy and deranged. They are Satanic:

Several of the grants funded research into transgender treatment specifically for children.

The extravagantly expensive studies have confirmed what common sense would tell us regarding the health hazards of the depraved sexual agenda promoted by the Biden Regime. As Johns Hopkins University College Republicans note,

“It is a gross insult to students and professors, who spend a lot of their time writing grant applications for their scientifically legitimate research, that Johns Hopkins University is receiving $3.5 million dollars to discover something health experts have known since the 1970s: sexual relationships between men increase risk of HIV.”

The Regime will continue to push LGBTism will all its might regardless of what the studies find, rendering them totally pointless.

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