Biden Is Aiding & Abetting Terrorism And War Crimes By Funding Modern-Day ‘Kill Squads’ via Billions Of Dollars More In American Taxpayer Money, Ensuring More Death & Destruction


by Alan Barton, All News Pipeline:

War is a constant, or at least it seems to be because of the constant states of war shifting around the world involving one group or another against some other nation, tribe, religion or peoples.  Some places seem to be involved in war more often than other places and some cultures seem to be at war more often than other cultures.  As you study history, you learn not only of leaders, peoples, cultures, religions, geographies and so forth but also the wars as it seems that is the driving force behind so much of history.  War seems to be the adhesive that binds peoples, nations and cultures as well as the solvent that destroys them eventually.  Some are destroyed more rapidly than others, and there seems to be certain ones that fall under that shadow far more often than others.  Whether a warlike peoples or a peace loving peoples, those distinctions appear to be more perception than actual fact especially as we move through time in looking at any specific people.  In this case, we will look at the Arabic peoples that are predominantly Muslim in culture and religion (please note that an all encompassing religion IS THE CULTURE) and see just how they are portrayed and involved in war.


Without going back too far and covering the sons of Noah and the peoples of the regions now known as Turkey where the original peoples of the mid-east originated including those descended from Abraham both Arab and Israeli, we advance to about a century ago after many wars, conquests, re-peopling, culture shifts and so on when post World War One when the Palestinian (anciently known as Phoenician among others) peoples were displaced by the “third wave” of Jewish immigration.  Please note that the term Jew only references Judah, one tribe of the original twelve that constituted ancient Israel and that some claim that the tribe of Benjamin is also included in that population  That term Jew encompasses race, religion, culture and any assigned hatred whether real or not, and is a large box gathering all sorts of ideas.  The other ten tribes were scattered after Babylonian captivity and many supposedly went north into what is now Eastern Europe passing the Black Sea and may constitute peoples now considered (what is termed Ashkenazi) Jew or other cultures, even though the bulk are of Christian backgrounds.  Some claim later incoming peoples (meaning higher casts) of India, tribes around northern Afghanistan, Pakistan regions and thereabouts, and many others are considered remnants of the lost ten tribes.  Time, wars and population movements have removed any real hope of DNA tracking, so it is just cultural ancient stories that account for these ideas.  But those old stories, now considered myth, have a way of showing truth behind them.

My primary point is to show that those involved in war in the Middle East are brothers; far distant ones, but still brothers.  Then later, post World War Two, the greater influx of Jewish peoples (or should I say Hebraic peoples) displaced from various areas in the very destructive aftermath of that world war created friction with the admittedly very low populations of the previous so-called “Palestinian” nation.  There was no such nation, the area was peopled with Syrian and Jordanian citizens that were left over from the previous Ottoman Empire destroyed by that earlier British Mandate and continued on with the United Nations contrived solution of a Jewish state to accommodate those peoples fleeing destruction in Europe.  Modern Israel is hated because not only are they “Jewish” in religion but also because Islam pretends to say they are brothers just as they do with Christians although in reality they preach hatred and death to anyone not Islamic.  And when they are not killing non-Muslims, they kill each other because they are not of the same specific division such as Shea, Sunni or others.  This conflict is millennia’s old and will not change until one side or the other is eliminated.  And that brings us to the current war against Israel and the ease of igniting war in that region and the religious zeal that they fight it with.

As this is being written, the new war (the first in 50 years actually declared by Israel) is just getting underway, and the information about it is like any other war – bits and pieces with the highest probability of untruthfulness being the norm as propaganda and emotional inflection are the drivers of it.  For instance, the Gaza towers that videos showed being struck and in flames was actually from May 2021 that the BBC said was the result of Israeli attacks a day or so ago.  I could go on and retell the stories of atrocities, but I think that is covered well enough in the supposed normal news channels.  Instead, I would like to look at some more likely backgrounds that initiated the war including the high likelihood that it is being used as, if not instigated as, a distraction against the current massive problems that the illegal regime infesting our nation’s government are trying to keep you from thinking about.  Yes, the likelihood is that it is a false flag to distract if not in primary cause then used as such for convenience sake by those who are attempting to hide something from our view.

On the anniversary of the September 11 attacks, the insane regime infesting our Whitehouse traded 5 Iranian hostages for 5 US hostages in Iran.  That seems an equitable trade but the addition of Joey Dementia paying $6 BILLION in addition to the hostage swap makes it far more than a trade.  In my opinion, it makes it aiding and abetting war crimes, which is an international crime let alone the crime of treason when done to the advantage of a declared enemy of this nation. But that is not the only US taxpayers funding their own demise as under the Kenyan regime in exchange for only four hostages he paid Iran initially $400 million in foreign currency (Euros, Swiss Francs, etc) followed by two payments that totaled another $1.3 billion In US CASH.  Yes, all three of those were paid in cash because the Kenyan said “effectiveness of U.S. and international sanctions” stopped using a check or electronic transfer and supposedly that cash shipped on US military cargo planes on shipping pallets bypassed the sanctions.  I would ask, and then to what effect were those sanctions?  I guess that means the sanctions were null and voided by that criminal gang infesting our Whitehouse regardless of the Congressional oversight.   Again Iran was still an avowed Enemy of this nation with loud and obnoxious claims that they would crush our nation, they would kill all of us “satans” soon enough.  Yeh, I would also rate that as aiding and abetting an enemy of the United States with associated penalties including the possibility of the death penalty for those actions.

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