by Jim Quinn, The Burning Platform:

Over the last couple days I’ve seen dozens of regime media stories and hundreds of tweets from the usual neo-con propagandist ilk, mouthing the exact same claim that Hamas decapitated 40 Israeli babies. How many times can we go down the the same false narrative path, as those pulling the strings attempt to ignite WW3? Whenever you see the regime media fall into line and spout the exact same messaging, you know it is false.


This propaganda method is as old as time. At the outset of WWI the regime media declared German soldiers were bayoneting Belgian babies. False. Everyone should remember the narrative from the regime media about Iraqi soldiers killing Kuwaiti babies in incubators to make the 1st Gulf War palatable to the masses. The fake story was planted by the 15 year old daughter of the Kuwait Ambassador to the U.S. The regime media screeched in horror at the gassing of Syrians by Assad a few years ago. Provably a false flag.

These fake narratives during war time are supplemented by the dozens of false narratives spun by our overlords during the last seven years. Trump colluded with Russia to win the 2016 election. False. Hunter Biden’s computer was Russian disinformation. False. January 6 was an armed insurrection. False. The covid flu was not released from the Wuhan Bio-weapon lab. False. Ivermectin was dangerous and did not work against covid. False. The Pfizer/Moderna jabs were safe and effective. False. You would not catch or spread covid if you got the vaccine. False. Myocarditis and heart attacks in teenagers is normal. False. Putin invaded Ukraine unprovoked because he wants to conquer the world. False.

And I could go on and on about the lies, disinformation, and misinformation spewing from the mouths of politicians, media hacks, billionaire globalists, and anyone being compensated by the Deep State on a daily basis. It’s all bullshit, designed to make you “feel” outraged towards the enemy of the day. They are leading us down a path towards WW3. And there may be nothing we can do but watch it unfold. Don’t believe anything they say. They will try to force you to believe any absurdity which promotes their agenda, just as Orwell laid out in 1984.

“The past was alterable. The past never had been altered. Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia.” -1984



In what is only typical, I’ve seen stories about 40 beheaded babies everywhere. That is Putin eats babies territory. Don’t touch it. Reality is bad enough.“Throughout the fake “Hamas beheaded 40 children” psyop, there wasn’t a single image of one of the supposed beheaded babies, no images of them when they were alive, no names nor ages, and no parents family members or came forward to say their child had been beheaded. It was all based on unverified claims and “beliefs” from the Israeli military.” – Automatic Earth

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