Another COVID “Vaccine” Is Being Developed


by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

The big pharmaceutical companies are creating yet another COVID-19 “vaccine,” because apparently, there is no limit to how many times they want the sheep injected. Dr. Kevin Saunders, the associate director of the Duke Human Vaccine Institute, and his team created a trivalent vaccine targeting MERS and two forms of SARS which are all variants of the coronavirus.

“We are trying to develop a vaccine where you would be immunized with this vaccine and would have protection against multiple different coronaviruses and that you wouldn’t necessarily have to worry about the coronavirus that’s coming in the future because you would have broad immunity,” Dr. Saunders told CNN.


Dr. Saunders has been working on a universal coronavirus vaccine for some time now. It’s taken about three years to get to humanity to this point (where the slave class will agree to anything their masters tell them) and the work is far from finished. But, initial results in mice are promising and the overall development of a platform allows for future adaptability, according to a report by WSOC-TV. 

The ruling class is also constantly telling the slaves to be afraid of the constantly mutating cold virus, so they can sell as many of the shots as possible to the most naive. Not one injection so far has been effective by any definition of the word, so how is a universal coronavirus “vaccine” going to help?

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Publishing in the journal Cell Reports, the single nanoparticle vaccine included components of a previous vaccine that was shown to protect mice and primates against multiple variants of SARS-CoV-2, which is the virus that causes COVID-19. In this study, the vaccine protected mice from SARS-CoV-1, another form of SARS coronavirus that can infect humans, and a MERS coronavirus that has led to periodic, deadly outbreaks around the world. -Science Daily

This is also interesting considering COVID has all but disappeared now that another war has been started. Coincidence? Perhaps.

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