Americans Must Bring an End to Obama’s Efforts of “Fundamentally Transforming” the US


by D.W. Wilber, America Outloud:

During his first campaign for president back in 2008, Barack Hussein Obama asked Americans to join him as he “fundamentally transformed” the United States of America. Many Americans, in fact, did join him, enough to get him elected to the office twice.

We are now witnessing what Obama meant, with the lawlessness, anarchy, and chaos on the streets of many of our major cities, and the police helpless to do anything about it. After the drug overdose death of George Floyd, police officers have been under nearly constant attack from both criminals and the George Soros-funded prosecutors who let criminals go free, but are quick to punish any police officer for using any level of force in what’s becoming an increasingly violent society.


Sadly, few understood what Barack Obama intended to transform America into when he announced his intentions. But today, we are witnessing firsthand what Obama’s plan for America is. Every single day on our southern border, thousands upon thousands of illegal aliens are crossing into America, coming from over one hundred different countries around the world.

The vast majority of those entering our nation are young, military-age males. Dozens have been detained who are listed on the government’s ‘Terrorism Watch List.’ Those are the ones that we know about.

Considering that roughly one million who have entered our country are considered “got-aways” who did not bother to turn themselves into Border Patrol agents, they just snuck in and have since spread out across America, we potentially have Mexican drug cartels, terrorists, and sexual predators now walking our street in large numbers. Who really knows how many more might be MS-13 gang members and other criminals? My guess is we will soon start to find out.

Yes, indeed, Barack Hussein Obama, who grew up raised and influenced by Marxists, is doing everything within his power to transform our country from a free market, Capitalist system, into something unrecognizable to most Americans. I often remind people that the Bolshevik Revolution was, in reality, a small minority of Marxists who took control in Russia, and then imposed communist oppression on the Russian people for decades. It begs the question of whether Obama had something similar in mind when he spoke of a “fundamental transformation” of America?

The Marxist playbook describes the tactics that match much of what is taking place in our country right now, and all likely under the direction of Barack Hussein Obama, who is the true power behind the scenes:

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