Admit the Obvious: Barack Obama Uses Biden to ‘Transform America’


by Dr. Steve LaTulippe, American Thinker:

He told us he would like to serve a third term in office. He even detailed how he would accomplish it. And now he is doing it. He is effectively transforming America into a Communist Muslim hell hole, just as he said he would, just as his every action conveys. Yes, America is falling to the greatest imposter ever to set foot on American soil: Barack Hussein Obama.

But everyone still says it was Biden who funded Iran with $6 billion. They decry that Biden keeps the border open. Bidenomics is destroying our economy. Biden’s DHS feeds the child sex-trafficking industry. Biden’s FBI now is targeting MAGA! Would you please all just stop it? It isn’t Biden. It’s Obama who is doing this to us!


Every time we assign blame to Biden for each progressive crime against humanity and against American sovereignty, we camouflage and thereby enable the real doer of all the evil. Joe Biden now has the mind of a six-year-old child. He hasn’t the capacity to change his own underwear, let alone rule a nation. But our continued willful ignorance in not seeing how this further enables the real architect of America’s destruction is inexcusable. As long as Barack Obama is kept hidden behind the curtain, the collapse of America proceeds — and at an ever-rapid pace.

U.S. military veterans are now bound for Israel to rescue trapped Americans. And what does Bryan Stern, CEO and founder of Project DYNAMO, say? Biden left Americans behind in Afghanistan. And now Biden is leaving Americans behind in Israel. Then Stern puts on full display the sheer ignorance of most Americans: “The US government is watching on TV — there’s no logical way to explain [this].” Stern just exposed our fatal flaw.

The incompetence of the American government is very easily explained. What Stern will not acknowledge, perhaps for fear of FBI or CIA reprisal (spelled “M-U-R-D-E-R”), is that every aspect of America’s calamity is intentional, well-strategized, highly funded, and politically supported by our tyrannical government. And who is the chief tyrant? Who is directing the dung show? Barack Hussein Obama! Who is America’s chief enemy? Obama. Who gave millions of dollars in cash to Iran the first time? Obama. Who just gave $6 billion to Iran again? Obama. Biden hasn’t the mental capability to do such things.

But Obama is very good at hiding his tracks. He recently Tweeted support for Israel following the slaughter of Israeli women and children by Hamas. Hypocrite! Liar! Obama knows that he is directly linked to every tragedy America has faced since he first took office. He will fake anything, just as long as the devastation continues. Victory comes to the patient and is persistent. He knows the militants are still flooding our border. He has the wheels full in motion to completely topple our economy. He repeatedly sends our money and weapons to our most vile enemies. And behind his little curtain, he shimmers with glee!

The real President of America just spoke the naked truth in a recent post. Donald Trump, in a bold statement, first revealed the Trojan horse. “The same people that raided Israel are pouring into our once beautiful USA, through our TOTALLY OPEN SOUTHERN BORDER, at Record Numbers.” Then he draws the obvious conclusion with a rhetorical question. “Are they planning an attack within our Country?” The answer should be very obvious to all. And finally, he drives the nail home: Crooked Joe Biden and his BOSS, Barack Hussein Obama, did this to us!” That’s a fact, Jack! Thank you, President Trump, for speaking the truth plainly.

Why does nobody have the courage to state the obvious? If America is going to be saved, we must destroy (that means annihilate by any and all means possible) the enemy within. It means we need an army of veterans, along with the faithful remnant active military force, to uphold their oath, to do their job, and to defend the Constitution from the domestic enemies who now terrorize us. It means identifying and calling out Obama and wake the American people up to the truth about this man and his evil agenda.

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