WOW! NEWLY OBTAINED Evidence Shows Key Signatures Are MISSING on Wayne County’s 2020 General Election Certification


by Patty McMurray, The Gateway Pundit:

A special guest post by former MI Senator Patrick Colbeck and author of “The 2020 Coup: What Happened. What We Can Do”

The official narrative promoted by Michigan election officials has long been that Joe Biden defeated President Donald J. Trump in the 2020 General election in Michigan by 154,188 votes, thereby awarding Michigan’s 16 electoral college votes to Joe Biden. On the basis of this narrative, on July 18, 2023, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel indicted each of the alternate 16 Republican electors with eight felony counts, including forgery and conspiracy charges. These charges hinge upon the assertion that the 2020 election was lawfully certified. Was it?


Wayne County, MI, is the largest county by population in the State of Michigan. According to the official Wayne County election records for the 2020 General Election, 597,170 votes were cast for Joe Biden and 264,553 for President Trump for a vote margin of 332,617 in favor of Biden. If these votes were not lawfully certified, the statewide vote margin would flip to reveal a 178,429 margin of victory for President Trump in Michigan. That means that due to the discrepancy, President Trump, not Joe Biden, would be the rightful owner of Michigan’s 16 electoral college votes for the 2020 election.

The question is, “Are there compelling legal grounds to assert that the 2020 election results in Wayne County, MI, were not lawfully certified?”

County Boards of Canvassers

In Michigan, county election results are certified by the county board of canvassers. The powers and duties of county boards of canvassers are defined in MCL 168.24a. The act of canvassing is equivalent to conducting an audit or “thorough examination” of election records. Each county in Michigan has four appointees to the County Board of Canvassers – two Republicans and two Democrats. Per MCL 168.24e, a minimum of three canvassers must agree before any action of that board “becomes effective,” including certification.

Certification History in Wayne County, MI

To better understand how one could logically assert that the 2020 general election in Wayne County was not lawfully certified, let’s compare the certification paperwork for the 2016, 2018, and 2020 general elections in Wayne County as obtained by the Michigan Grassroots Alliance via Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests.

2018 General Election Certification

Only three canvassers signed the 2018 general election certification paperwork. Per MCL 168.24e, this is a sufficient number of canvassers supporting certification, so the decree has full effect.

2020 General Election Certification

In contrast with the 2016 and 2018 certifications in Wayne County, the certification paperwork for the 2020 election was only signed by two of the county canvassers. Per MCL 168.24e, this is reportedly NOT a sufficient number of canvassers to certify the election. In other words, the 2020 general election results in Wayne County were not lawfully certified. This is a statement of fact, not conjecture.

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