We Have Replaced Wisdom with Technology and We Will Suffer the Consequences


by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News:

Are you prepared for the post-technological age?

It has been a while since I have published an article on the coming Big Tech crash that began in 2022.

There has been a bit of a reprieve to this coming crash here in 2023, with the $trillions of dollars being invested into the AI hype, but all that is doing is creating a huge economic bubble that is going to make the Big Tech crash even worse when this economic bubble bursts.

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I have not had to write much about this lately because so many others have. Here are some sample recent articles from the financial sector where many investors clearly see the writing on the wall and are beginning to warn others about the AI hype bubble.

AI Is Being Over-Hyped: “Those Who Believe Artificial General Intelligence Is Imminent Are Almost Certainly Wrong”

Even the AI hype bubble didn’t help: Global funding plunges 49% in Q2

AI community is ‘making a terrible mistake’ in hyping the tech, says Citadel’s Ken Griffin

I began warning about the coming Big Tech crash in 2022, not only because of the financial implications that quickly surfaced after the collapse of the FTX Crypto Ponzi scheme, but because for almost the first time since the PC Computer technology revolution that started in the 1980s, people were finally starting to wake up and see the limitations of this technology, much of which began in the 1980s with the development of hardware and software consumer electronics.

These limitations were first observed in the automotive industry, where the illusions of completely self-autonomous self-driving vehicles that has swallowed hundreds of $billions for decades, came crashing down to the realities of truth, the truth that computers will never fully replace humans. See:

The Religion of the Technocrats is Failing, as is Their Technology

The Fantasy of Autonomous Self-Driving Cars is Coming to an End as Tesla Faces DOJ Criminal Probe

The huge failures of fully electric vehicles (EVs) has also surfaced this year, and that industry alone threatens to crash the entire U.S. economy as the U.S. Government continues to spend $billions on this sector, which is clearly NOT sustainable. Here are some recent articles that clearly spell doom for the EV industry:

“Shocking Number”: Rivian Owner Sees $42,000 Repair Bill For Minor Accident

Ford Will Lose $4.5 Billion On EVs This Year, Up From $2.1 Billion Last Year

Ford CEO Admits ‘Reality Check’ When He Took Electric F-150 Truck On Road Trip

The Collapse of the EV SPACs: Another One Goes Bankrupt, Others on the Verge

Unsold Electric Cars May Be Signaling a Death Spiral for the Auto Industry

Understanding Knowledge vs. Wisdom

As I have written in previous articles, when I write about a “crash” of the technology, and the “post-technological age,” I am NOT stating that all the technology will go away or fail.

What is inevitable is that we will recognize the limitations of this technology, including the ways it enslaves us, and we will be forced to use our God-given creativity and ingenuity to make smart uses of the technology, without depending upon it as much as we do now.

But there are very few people today who are even thinking about that day, let alone preparing for it, and they will be the ones who suffer the most.

So to prepare for the future post-technological age, we need to acknowledge the difference between knowledge and wisdom.

Since the complete overhaul of the western educational system which is now built upon the false foundation of Darwinian evolutionary biology, we have exalted the physical sciences over other traditional forms of education that include the humanities and the arts.

The English word “science” has been thoroughly corrupted and is today used as a replacement for “truth.”

Knowledge and “dataism” have replaced wisdom, and “science” has replaced “religion.”

Science IS the new “religion,” because it is mostly based on belief, and not facts or truth.

It starts as its basis in the belief that life has formed by random chance over billions of years without any influence of a master designer, or “God”.

This is a belief, not a fact, and it certainly should not be called “science,” but “religion.”

“Science” today completely ignores wisdom, pretending that knowledge is the totality of truth.

This is certainly not a new way of thinking about the universe we live in, but it has taken on new shades of meaning today because of electronic technology that has developed over the past 40 years or so.

But remember, “technology” as it is defined today, is almost exclusively “electronic technology”, a very recent development in human history.

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