Venom’s Role in COVID: A Shocking Revelation


by Dr. Bryan Ardis, America Outloud:

On this NEW episode of Looking For Healing Radio, Dr. Ardis discusses the topics discussed at the Healing for the AGES event and what he learned at the Dallas, Texas, event last weekend!

He will also discuss the new product he created called Foreign Protein Cleanse. A revolutionary new product that was created by the team at Dr. Ardis will take you through why this product was developed over the last year.

Scientists at the University of Arizona confirmed in August 2021 that there was one biomarker in the blood of COVID-19 patients who died in hospitals responsible for the deaths. They titled their findings “like venom coursing through the body.”


The University of Arizona researchers confirmed that an enzyme found in rattlesnake venom was killing patients in hospitals, called phospholipase A2. This is the venom component responsible for the multiple organ failure of COVID-19 patients in hospitals. This enzyme was also found in every single COVID-19-positive patient worldwide, and there were six different phospholipase A2 venoms from six different snakes, confirmed in the blood and feces of every Covid positive patient in the Italy study.

Dr. Ardis will also introduce you to a company called This company has organizations from around the world investing millions of dollars to create an oral anti-venom pill that blocks the deadly snake venom component called Phospholipase A2. He also shares with you that conducted a trial during the three years of COVID-19 called “STAIRS”, where they found their anti-venom pill successfully treated the respiratory disease of Covid.

Dr. Ardis’s new formula, Foreign Protein Cleanse, has multiple ingredients from nature found in both plants and inside the dirt that is proven to block, detoxify, and remove phospholipase A2 from snake venom from the human body. Go to to learn more.

In the final segment of this episode, Dr. Ardis is going to introduce you to the component found in snake venom that is already patented to be an antiviral substance, which is published to be able to create miscarriages and infertility that you see worldwide after the COVID-19 vaccines. The substance is called L-amino acid oxidase. There are three ways in which an individual can successfully remove this venom component from the human body. One includes certain temperatures you can expose the body to. Another way is to improve the pH balance of the body and make it more alkaline, which destroys the venom. Also, two substances are found in supplements, EDTA and zinc, which completely inhibit and destroy this snake venom component, which is published to cause infertility and miscarriages.

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