by Caroline Chang, AmericanMediaPeriscope:
I am sure that many will be shocked to learn that there are states that have already written into law, that have been passed by their state legislation. The power and authority to forcibly remove you, your child, and/or your elderly parents from your home and be detained in a quarantine facility for as long as they want.
I am not talking about New York State, because what is currently happening in New York State does not involve state law. The case that many people might be aware of in New York State involves the NY Department of Health regulation, not a law.
The major difference in the case in NY against Governor Kathy Hochul and the NY Department of Health is that it involves a health department regulation, not a state law. State law can only be made by state legislation. This NY health department regulation would give the health department absolute power and authority, with no due process of law. As with state laws, they do allow for due process; no health department has the power to make laws.

New York State Department of Health Regulation
Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox has taken on NY State Governor Kathy Hochul, her administration, and the NY State Department of Health on behalf of Uniting NYS and several Republican New York State legislators for the past year and a half.
I normally do not distinguish between party lines; however, it is important to note that not one NY Democrat legislator is standing against this outrageously, egregious health department regulation. This regulation gives the health department absolute and complete power over your body at any time. It does not even stipulate that it has to be during the time of a declared health emergency.
The NY Department of Health Isolation and Quarantine Procedure is so flagrantly unconstitutional, illegal, immoral, and unethical that many people when they hear about it think it is a conspiracy theory. They are in disbelief that a statute or regulation like this can even be happening in America. This regulation would override state law that has been in place for 70 years.
This health department regulation is equivalent to exactly what happened in the 1930s and 1940s to the Jewish population in Nazi Germany. The German government declared that Jewish people were unclean and diseased and needed to be isolated from the rest of the population.

Bobbie Anne Cox’s Fight for Justice in New York
Bobby Anne Cox argued a case against NY Governor Kathy Hochul and the NY Department of Health regarding its regulation to unilaterally detain people without due process, it considered to be a “health threat”, without any evidence of illness. This regulation would give the health officials the power to arbitrarily make this determination. Cox won the case, NYS Supreme Court Judge Ronald Ploetz ruled in favor of the citizens of New York in July 2022.
The NY Governor’s forced quarantine regulation was struck down as being unconstitutional and also because the agency does not have the authority to make laws. However, within days of the positive verdict, Governor Hochul and Letitia James, Attorney General of New York, announced their plan to appeal the ruling and try to overturn the judge’s decision.
There has not been one word of this landmark case and health department regulation mentioned in the mainstream News. That is why when you tell people about this regulation and case they are in total disbelief.

Florida State Law Will Surprise You
So many people are fleeing New York and moving to the State of Florida for health freedom. After you read this Florida State law, you might think twice before making that move. As I mentioned above in the NY case, it is not a state law, however, in Florida there is a state law already on the books. The 2023 Florida Statutes – Title XXIX Chapter 3, 381.00315 Public health advisories; public health emergencies; isolation and quarantines.
The state law above is in regard to people who are believed to be infected or believed to have been exposed to an infectious disease. Now the good news here is that with any state law, a person does have the right of due process.
Florida law states that a person can be ordered to be tested, examined, treated, isolated, and quarantined. It states that the health officer may use any means necessary to treat the individual. And if a person is quarantine, there is no information in the law as to when that quarantine will end.
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