The Second ‘First Loser’ Debate Was an Embarrassment to the Legacy of Ronald Reagan, but Modern Republicans Just Don’t Care…


from The Conservative Treehouse:

According to the portly 1% fellow of no political significance, we are all supposed to think “Donald Duck” is some brilliant labeling by the jerk from Jersey. But in reality, it only shows the complete dissonance of the professional Republican class who have hired him to take shots at the leading GOP candidate. If there is a better word than pathetic, use it here.


What the hell did Ramalamadingdong have on top of his head last night?  Good grief.  If smuggling a Quokka onto the debate stage was a skillset for POTUS, Ramaswamy leads the furriers. Perhaps having to stand next to him was why Nikki Haley had blood coming out of her eyes, her face, her whatever. Sheesh, she’s a nasty person; and that has nothing to do with gender appropriation or misogyny.

As the Daily Mail noted [SEE HERE], the second of the first loser debates showed exactly why Donald Trump is leading the field by 50 points.  President Trump was in Michigan giving an “America-First” voice to the forgotten middle-class, while the professionally Republican were stacked up in California talking about who supports Ukraine best.  What an absolute sh*t show.   WATCH (3 mins):

These seven candidates shrunk themselves so much, it’s almost embarrassing.  However, the one takeaway I did realize from watching segments of that fiasco of donor and consultant articulated soundbites, was how different President Trump is from the professionally Republican.

After eight years of common sense, pragmatic analysis, simple talk and specific policy prescriptions within the America First agenda, as articulated by President Trump, the professionally Republican talking points are unwatchable and physically repulsive.

(Daily Mail) – […] ‘You’re afraid of being on the stage and defending your record,’ Christie said. ‘You keep ducking these things… We’re going to call you Donald Duck.’

Doesn’t quite have the ring of ‘Sleepy Joe’ or ‘Crooked Hillary’, does it? The line fell flat.

Ron DeSantis gave it a try.


‘Donald Trump is missing in action,’ DeSantis said. ‘He should be on this stage tonight. He owes it to you to defend his record, where they added $7.8 trillion to the debt, that set the stage for the inflation that we have.’

But Trump was in Detroit, speaking at a rally for striking United Auto Workers, and what he said almost doesn’t matter: In the ultimate power move, he took his stratospheric polling numbers, bolstered by every indictment and judgement that comes down on him, and spent his time with a vanishing American class – the working men and women of the heartland who have long felt abandoned by Democrats and Establishment politicians.

Back in California, there was very little charisma on stage, very little purpose – and instead of joining forces to round-house The Donald, the would-be nominees turned on each other.

Most, it seems, failed to watch back their game-day footage from the first debate.

DeSantis still does that creepy little self-satisfied smile after making a point. His whole body jerks a little, like he’s electrified by what he assumes is his wit or incisiveness.

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