The Next Plandemic and Vaccine Passports


by Tom Renz, Esq., America Outloud:

There’s a great article in Creative Destruction Media (CDM), “‘Creating A Digital Prison’: WHO Rushes Ahead On Global Digital Health Certificates.” This is a fundamental thing, there’s going to be more plandemics and this is a critical piece in promoting this. The World Health Organization (WHO), using American money, is working very hard at building these global digital health certifications.

Your vaccine passports are what it basically comes down to. They are saying this is to restrict travel, and I assure you it’s about much more than that, including CBDC’s. In this article, they discuss that they are working on these digital health certificates because they are all in on being ready for the next plandemic and they know the WHO treaty is a done deal.


These passports are coming, and if you want to leave your country (possibly traveling within your country as well), you are going to need one. This is going to be ugly.

I talked about DeSantis’s law in Florida, where if there’s an emergency, there’s no health freedom. Unfortunately, that’s going to apply. When the federal government declares an emergency because the WHO tells them to under the treaty, it’s going to apply in Florida, and Floridians are going to have no freedom.

This is all about top-down governance, it’s a bunch of globalists who want control, and by the time anybody realizes what’s happening, it’s going to be way too late. This treaty has a few foundational aspects, one is control over your health and autonomy, and two is tracking. The vaccine passports are going to manifest in different ways. It might start with a code on your cell phone.

Eventually, they will move it to being under our skin. They will find a reason to put this tracking IN you. How does that work?

It could be vaccines, implantable chips, and various other ideas. The ultimate goal is to track us all. This will be a terrifying transition that will happen so fast that no one will know what’s going on. If you aren’t paying attention and getting educated about what’s happening, this will go way south real quick.

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