The Hard Truth About Storing Fuel


by Daisy Luther, The Organic Prepper:

We all have read the stories from our favorite post-apocalyptic authors where our hero has stored a huge amount of fuel for his or her vehicles in a facility. To keep warm in the winter, scout in the 4×4, looking for marauders, fueling the generator while a snowstorm outside roars without mercy.

Very romantic. As much as we can enjoy this idea, reality is way different these days. Truth is hard, as most of them are: we can´t store enough fuel for as long as we would like to.


The reality of storing fuel

No matter if it is diesel or gasoline or some sort of gasified product coming from an industrial facility. It´s economically very hard to do, and those who want to go down that path will find themselves at the end of the day with a huge empty tank they invested a fortune on. A quick calculation will show this to anyone. Sure, some people with the best of intentions will comment below their experiences using four or five years old fuel in some far away Alaskan forest to refill the snow motorcycle and run away from a furious gang of bears in the last second. But it´s something different to the scope of this writing.

Fellows, using fuel too old without proper storage conditions will have a devastating effect on any engine in the medium term. If your heating system relies on one of these engines, THEN you´ll be in trouble when it decides to fail at the worst possible moment.

But we already should know it won´t last for too long if a real disaster stops production everywhere. A couple of years, maybe? If you’re planning for this short term and believe that some sort of fuel will be available afterward, it’s your call if you still need to store it.

Just be aware of what happens when you are surrounded by people and have something valuable. I wrote of it here: Venezuela: Thieves, Fuel Shortages, Hunger, and the Black Market 

After two years, most of the fuel will have gone rancid if it wasn’t stabilized, will be consumed or won´t exist if the catastrophic event that led to the production stopping was large enough.

Politics could play a part in this, too.

Unless someone owns a refinery and wells, production pipes and the money to pay for the specialized professionals to operate it for the next 50 or 60 years, and train the next generation of refinery workers, fuel and other derivatives for internal combustion engines, or ICEs, could become a rarity. Politicians are already, with or without reasonable motifs, working actively in the forbidding of manufacturing new ICEs in Europe. Mind you, if someone 30 years ago someone would have told you, “Cable TV is no longer going to exist” you would have laughed in his face. I see the cable TV companies around here mutating. They´ve all switched to Internet access via optics fiber service.

My take is that the car manufacturers are going to force the market to do as they please. This means the Western world bending and obeying the immensely powerful Asian elites in their pursuit to keep getting affordable products and keep the lifestyle of the masses that vote. Don´t underestimate the indoctrinating atmosphere the new generations are immersed in these days. Those who never identified the bond between the freedom and the roar of an 80 cu. in. Evo V-Twin or a small block Chevy V8 are lost forever.

Take this as you prefer, as I´m not a market researcher or a specialist. However, common sense makes me think this is what they want, and they don´t care what we the customer base want or need.

No matter how hard we try, it´s a matter of the world economy and the changes in the geopolitical environment, at a global level. Don´t get the wrong idea: it´s all about societal control. They need to push the concept of the “15-minute city“.

I will elaborate a little bit about this: the power struggle of the bigger Western economies and the rest of the world (mostly the Asian part of the world) is based on technology and energy source control. Whoever controls these, rules the world, broadly speaking. Period.

Or at least the parts of the world that matter.

Fuel has become hard to acquire where I live.

Based on my own experiences with modern gasoline not produced in my country (which once produced 1/3 of the fuel tank of every car up there in the US), let´s elaborate on why storing “for the future” may not be an option anymore.

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