THE GREAT TRIBULATION & FOURTH TURNING: Is this how the End Times begin?!


from State Of The Nation:

for the Greatest
“Shock and Awe”
False Flag Operation
in Human History

ETs & EBEs


Area 51 & RAF Rudloe Manor

Pine Gap & Groom Lake

Majestic 12 & UFO Truth Embargo

JFK Assassination & Forrestal Murder

Hillary Clinton & John Podesta

First Contact & SETI

Disclosure & The Galileo Project

Roswell Incident & Interstellar Oumuamua

Alien Abductions & Cattle Mutilations

Alien Invasions & Crashed Starships

Project Blue Book & Project Sign

Alien Human Hybrids & Ancient Aliens

SDI & Star Wars Program

Space X & Starlink


Space Force & Secret Space Program

Breakaway Civilization & Autonomous Superintelligence

Project Blue Beam & The X-Files

WTF is going on?!?!?!

Submitted by Cosmic Convergence Research Group
State of the Nation

Really, what in the world is going on regarding the unparalleled flurry of UFO disclosures and alien leaks over the past year?!
It’s totally crazy … … … as in crazy like a
dangerously crazy Khazarian fox.

Now read this crazy little leak from a “Veteran Intelligence Analyst and Longtime UFO Researcher” about the exceedingly momentous 2016 POTUS election.

Hillary Clinton embracing her real father-in-law Laurance Rockefeller

“The photos both above and below of Hillary Clinton with her father-in-law Laurance Rockefeller tell the whole story.  The reason why William Jefferson Clinton’s father is listed as William Jefferson Blythe Jr. is because he was actually sired by Laurance Rockefeller of the famously wealthy and powerful Rockefeller family.  The false fatherhood story was obviously floated early on to hide Bill Clinton’s radioactive Rockefeller pedigree.

Blythe was quite conveniently murdered in a car accident only 3 months before Bill Clinton’s birth so that the cover story would never be put in jeopardy (see the following reference).

Now here’s the back story: Laurance Rockefeller had an extraordinary interest in all things related to UFOs and Aliens.  He was an authentic truther in this particular regard from early on in his life.  In fact, Rockefeller was such an open enthusiast and sincere zealot that it appears that he represented a powerful faction within the global power structure who wanted full “Disclosure”.  And, he wanted the raw truth out there in his lifetime.  Which is why his son — Bill Clinton — was tasked with the responsibility of revealing EVERYTHING, and in a way that only he could do.

John Podesta of Pedogate & Pizzagate fame was selected as the point-man within the Clinton administration whose main job was to grease the wheels for total “Disclosure”; first officially by the U.S. Federal Government followed immediately by a coordinated worldwide release of info by key governments such as the UK’s (Podesta was appointed Clinton’s White House Chief of Staff during his second term and his White House Staff Secretary during his first term specifically for that purpose).  The public record is replete with Podesta’s pronouncements and pertinent documentation which categorically confirms that this Clinton “Disclosure” initiative was all procedurally driven by Podesta (as well as by Hillary from behind the scenes).

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