by Brian C. Joondeph, American Thinker:
President Joe Biden has become a joke, confabulating tall tales about his past political exploits, shaking hands with phantoms, not shaking hands with world leaders, getting lost on stage, and frequently falling. These are all clear signs of his physical and mental decline, obvious to all but his most partisan enablers and sycophants.
He has announced his candidacy for reelection, but that is as credible as Jack Nicklaus announcing a run for the US Open next spring. The only question is how Joe exits the presidency and campaign, whether voluntary or by his handlers making him an offer he can’t refuse.
The latest polls should be a bucket of cold water on Biden’s aspirations and the hopes and dreams of his enablers. A recent ABC News/Washington Post poll suggests the turkey in the oven is done, ready for carving. Mind you, any political poll is merely a snapshot in time, the sentiments of voters, or whoever was surveyed, in late September 2023, more than a year from the next election.
The headline says it all, “Trump edges out Biden 51-42 in head-to-head matchup.” The normally Biden-worshiping ABC News doesn’t hold back.
President Joe Biden’s job approval rating is 19 points underwater, his ratings for handling the economy and immigration are at career lows. A record number of Americans say they’ve become worse off under his presidency, three-quarters say he’s too old for another term and Donald Trump is looking better in retrospect — all severe challenges for Biden in his reelection campaign ahead.
This reinforces the question that Trump and Republicans should be constantly asking, “Are you better off today than you were four years ago?” Clearly the answer is no.
The Washington Post claims this is an outlier but acknowledges, “Biden is broadly unpopular and doubts about his suitability for a second term are extensive.” In their hearts they believe Biden is beloved and trouncing Trump in the polls, just as they believe Ukraine is winning the war despite loads of evidence to the contrary.
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