Secret Service Agent Raises Questions About JFK ‘Magic Bullet’ Assassination Theory


from Sputnik News:

Sixty years ago, the one US Secret Service agent was just feet away when he experienced a moment that would forever change history. In the years since, the assassination of US President John F. Kennedy has raised a series of questions and sparked various conspiracies.

A former US Secret Service agent who was present when President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas, is now challenging a crucial theory put forward by the Warren Commission, which investigated the 1963 killing of the then-commander-in-chief.


The new revelations are being made on the heels of the agent’s upcoming book, “The Final Witness: A Kennedy Secret Service Agent Breaks His Silence After Sixty Years.”
Paul Landis, who is 88, was given the task of protecting first lady Jackie Kennedy during the two-day, five-city tour of Texas when he was a young agent; however, he was just feet away when the sound of three gun fires rang out on November 22, 1963.
The first struck Kennedy in his throat, which would have been a serious but non-fatal strike. It was the second, or third shot that struck Kennedy’s skull, and resulted in his untimely death. Landis not only remembers hearing these shots, but he also recalled having to duck down so as to avoid being covered in the president’s brain tissue.
The “magic bullet” theory was put forward by the Warren Commission a year after the president’s death. It is believed that one of the bullets struck and exited the president before injuring then-Texas Governor John Connally Jr. in his back, chest, wrist and thigh. This theory was believed in part because the bullet was found on a stretcher thought to have been used in Connally’s aid.
In the chaotic moments following the assassination, Landis says he recalls picking up a near-pristine bullet from the back seat of the presidential limousine, behind where Kennedy had been sitting. He then took the bullet so as to avoid it becoming lost to theft, and took it to the Parkland Memorial Hospital where Kennedy died, and placed it on his stretcher so it could be examined.
President Kennedy in the limousine in Dallas, Texas, on Main Street, minutes before the assassination. Also in the presidential limousine are Jackie Kennedy, Texas Governor John Connally, and his wife, Nellie - Sputnik International, 1920, 07.07.2023

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