Report: Leaked Veterans Affairs Training Video Promotes Abortion, Says Pregnancy Not Exclusive to Women


by Katherine Hamilton, Breitbart:

A training video allegedly leaked from the Department of Veterans Affairs promotes abortion and even suggests that men can become pregnant, Fox News reported Wednesday.

The “Reproductive Health Training” video from April 2023 tells staffers how to talk to veterans who are considering aborting their babies.


“Before discussing counseling procedures, the video began with a ‘note’ on language that clarified, ‘Not all people who seek abortions identify as women.’ Another note read, ‘Person who is pregnant’ is inclusive and preferred to ‘pregnant woman,’” according to the report.

Another slide tells staffers to use certain language about abortion, like “embryo or fetus” instead of “baby or unborn child,” “veteran or person” instead of “mother,” and “embryonic or fetal cardiac activity” instead of “fetal heartbeat.”

Several videos, first obtained by the Post Millennial, show the department pitching abortion as “essential, life-saving care” that is safer than pregnancy. The video also cites dubious studies claiming women rarely feel regret for having an abortion:

The caregiver is presented with statements that, when examined, originate from the same echochamber of pro-abortion ideology, masked as academic and medically accredited sources. Care providers are instructed to stress the fact that abortion absolutely does not pose a hazard to a patient’s mental health and that the most common emotion after having an abortion is relief.

The leak comes more than a year after the department announced it would begin providing abortions for veterans and their dependents through its taxpayer-funded health care system, according to Fox News.

“This would include states where abortions are restricted or outlawed,” the report states.

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